For an unforgettable meal while at the Walt Disney World Resort, you should give signature dining a try. These are restaurants that Disney believes have a special touch in their atmosphere and menus. Many signature dining establishments boast romantic settings, haute cuisine and fantastic wine lists. signature dining makes for a perfect for date night or just a grown up night out. Disney Signature Dining establishments have a dress code that is enforced to varying degrees. I suggest that for a special meal you be the example you want to see in everyone and dress up a little. But how much should you dress up?
Dressing for Disney Signature Dining
Disney's written dress code at these establishments is "Resort Casual." Resort casual can be dressy for some people, and very relaxed for others, it depends on the type of daily life that you lead. Resort casual style is more like a guideline than a rule, and you will see a wide variety of styles at a signature restaurant. So what exactly does it mean to wear resort casual? In a nutshell, it means that clothes should be modest, professional, clean, and in good repair.
Disney Signature Dining Establishments Have a Dress Code
Absolutely not permitted in signature restaurant dining rooms are "Tank tops, swimsuits or swimsuit cover-ups, hats for gentlemen, cut-offs, or ripped or torn clothing of any kind." Though I did say that Disney considered "crisp jeans" resort casual, I personally frown on them in the signature environment.
Have you eaten at a Disney signature establishment? What did you wear? Leave me a comment and let me know!
The World of Deej wrote on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 12:04:
I will usually hit a Signature in khakis, or if I've packed light, a nice pair of jeans and button down. Depends on the restaurant also. I will always dress nicer for say Citrico's than I do for Narcoossee's.
lizzyb wrote on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 14:31:
What is considered a "signature restaurant"?
JeffC wrote on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 18:18:
I hate to dress up. Last time we went to CA Grille, we wore nice jeans and button downs. That's as far as I'll go on vacation. :)
Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 20:08:
For my family, vacation is a time to put your best foot forward, we dress up for vacation because it's special. I'm in schlubby workout style clothes all the time running around at home. For us having the opportunity to look special is an occasion that should be marked. I grew up traveling with an Aunt that believed travel was an elegant occasion, it's difficult to continue to instill that in my children when so many people today believe the opposite.
Lizzy - According to Disney a Signature Restaurant is one that will "provide unparalleled cuisine served in elegant and relaxed surroundings." It's Disney's version of Fine Dining. Though my personal experience is that it can be either the atmosphere or the food that makes it special, it's not always both. When on the Dining Plan, Signature Restaurants require you to use 2 table service credits for your meal.
JeffC wrote on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 20:26:
I probably had you cringing with my response :p
I think I spent too many years in the suit and tie for business, that I finally got tired of it.
But you are right, it's all about the experience you want with it. We purposefully avoid some of the signature dining places just because we expect they might be more strict with the dress code, or it's a more formal experience than what we are looking for. And for those that do want that experience, I really don't want to ruin it.
And for us, that's the beauty of Disney. You can take it to any level you want!
lizzyb wrote on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 20:47:
Thanks :)
Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 21:31:
JeffC - I may have cringed a little but that's okay! Like you said there is magic for everyone. :-) If I was in a suit all of the time I would probably want to be more comfortable on vacation too. I very much respect that you would rather not go to a signature meal then ruin someone's chance at something special buy not following the dress code.
I was at California Grill in May and there were men in jeans and no sleeves. It was jarring to me, and I was upset that when they have a dress code that they don't always enforce it. I think that the dress code is enforced much more on the cruise ships than at WDW.
JoAnn C wrote on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 22:23:
I've only eaten at one signature dining restaurant that was The Brown Derby. I wore capris and a nice top. I think the location of the restaurant makes a difference. I think I would dress differently if I was eating at California Grill vs Le Cellier.
Beth wrote on Wed, 10/19/2011 - 14:46:
We just recently dined at Yachtsman Steakhouse, and while most people were dressed appropriately for an evening meal, a few did not. One particular family looked as if they had literally just run into the restaurant from the park, kind of that end-of-day tired, sweaty, slouchy look complete with backpacks and safari hats. I agree with Kristen, that we like to dress up for special things on vacation and I too get disappointed when I see the dress code not enforced. I felt the same way on the last cruise (not Disney) that we went on. The dress code was not enforced at all in the dining room for dinner and for me it does take away from the atmosphere a bit when the group next to you is wearing t's and shorts and you are wearing a cocktail dress.
Leanne2255 wrote on Mon, 10/24/2011 - 02:11:
We were fortunate enough to eat at the "Chef's Table" at Victoria and Albert's, and while it was just the two of us, we dressed up for the occasion. Made that experience even more special!
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