Get Your Motor Runnin' On The Tomorrowland Speedway

Sitting on a sprawling patch of land between Tomorowland and Fantasyland sits the Tomorrowland Speedway. Perhaps it occupies this space because so many kids fantasize about the day they will finally get their drivers license in a time that's so far into the future to them. These would be speed demons queue in line to race a breathtaking 7 miles an hour around the 0.4 mile track in a jaunty and unique gas powered racer.

Tomorrowland Speedway Queue Celebrates Indy RacingTomorrowland Speedway Queue Celebrates Indy Racing

The speedway is one of the original Walt Disney World attractions and opened with the park in 1971. The long queue is themed to celebrate an Indianapolis 500-style race with images and replica Indy cars along the way. The loading area "pit" is where guest over 54" hop into the drivers seat of one of these unique vehicles and wait for the checkered flag. Shorter children over 32" are welcome to ride as a passenger. Once given the "Go" drop the petal to the metal for an adventurous course through banks and turns, under a bridge and through a straightaway. The trip around the track unencumbered by rush hour traffic will take about 5 minutes.

Jaunty Open Top Racers Are Individually Gas PoweredJaunty Open Top Racers Are Individually Gas Powered

Though the cars straddle a guide rail, they are independently powered and steered, which means that there's the chance cars in front of you may stop suddenly, and cars behind may rear-end you. Safety belts are required to be worn and the cars have both front and rear bumpers, but if you have any medical conditions that are aggravated by being jostled you may want to skip this attraction. It's just the price we pay to indulge a little in the race car fantasy.

Bank and Turn Along the 0.4 Mile TrackBank and Turn Along the 0.4 Mile Track

Spectators can enjoy the races from an observation bridge, or take in the vistas of the cars racing below can do so from a view while riding on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover that glides by overhead.

Is the Tomorrowland Speedway a stop in your touring strategy? If so, leave us a comment below and tell us what you love most about it!

J wrote on Mon, 09/09/2013 - 20:11:

J's picture


Oh what fun it is to chug along at 7 mph!!!!

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