Hyperion Wharf Replaces Pleasure Island

After the closure of several clubs and restaurants at the former Pleasure Island in Disney World's Downtown Disney, grown-up guests were relegated to very few evening entertainment spots. But Disney's just announced the news about a renaissance on the Island, which will now be called Hyperion Wharf.

Several brand new restaurants will be moving into the location, and more dining and shopping opportunities will be brought in as well. The entire project will be completed by 2013.

Hyperion Wharf will have the look of a turn-of-the-century seaport, creative director Alex Wright said. "The architecture is reflective of the era in the early part of the 20th century, where Walt [Disney] was inspired and where he sort of hatched his visions and his dreams," Wright said.

As we know, the name Hyperion is rooted in Disney history. 2719 Hyperion was the address of Disney's first major animation studio in California.


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