Restrooms. We all use them; we all want them to be clean, modern, and "Disney-esque." And there's a newly remodeled set of restrooms in the Magic Kingdom that we think are pretty snazzy. Snazzy enough, in fact, to give them a shout-out!
These are the restrooms located in that little underpass between Adventureland and Frontierland, and Disney World has recently updated them to reflect rich Arabian themeing. We have a few photos of the women's restroom (clearly the best choice, we think!) to give you an idea of the changes.
The entryway showcases a tiled design befitting of any adventureland area, and the rough tiles on the floor are patterned as well.
Decor in entryway
Floor tiling
Inside, glass-like tiles of aqua and blue set off antiqued brass sconces that look like you'd find them in any well-to-do Moroccan home. The glazed tiles are carried into the stalls as well!
Bathroom sinks
Bathroom light fixture
Tiling in stall
Even the directional signs have an Arabian shape to them.
Bathroom Directional Sign
These kinds of touches might not be something you recognize consciously, but subconsciously, this is the type of thing that sets Disney apart from other theme parks in the industry -- attention to detail!
katrina1122 wrote on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 16:34:
Very nice, but a woman's bathroom with no mirrors over the sink? How am I supposed to check that my Mickey Ears are straight? lol
admin wrote on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 03:23:
Disney's weird like that, Katrina!! They have big mirrors on the other walls, but none over the sinks! :-)
Mickeysgirlz wrote on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 03:41:
Makes perfect sense - think of the line to wash your hands if everyone was checking themselves out in the mirror! LOL! BTW- NICE JOB on the bathroom! :)
Jody wrote on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 04:47:
That's so people exiting a stall don't have to wait to wash their hands while someone hogs a sink to trowel on a new layer of face!
Kay wrote on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 14:17:
I like the mirrors as you exit. You can check out everything before you leave the area.
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