Rumor No Longer: Shorter Evening Extra Magic Hours

Just a few days ago, we reported on a rumor that evening Extra Magic Hours at Walt Disney World parks could be shortened. Now, it's looking like that rumor is more of a reality.

The Walt Disney World website has updated its statement regarding Extra Magic Hours to read:

Each day, one of the 4 Walt Disney World theme parks opens one hour early or remains open up to 2 hours after regular closing time. Additionally, Disney Water Parks offer Extra Magic Hours during select times of year.

There's no word at this time if the parks' hours will be changed because of this shortening of Extra Magic Hours just as there's no word if Disney will add anything to the guest experience because of hour cut.

Guests on Disney properties can still participate in the original "full-length" Extra Magic Hours through the rest of 2012; the change looks to take place starting January 2013. Evening Extra Magic Hours were originally set for three hours after a park's regular closing time.


Jeff wrote on Wed, 07/25/2012 - 20:42:

Jeff's picture

Most reliable sources I've read seem to think this is being done so that they can extend the "regular" hours of the affected parks an extra hour and still do the final clearing the parks at the same time to accomodate the night work.
If that's the case, it's hard to find fault with Disney here.......although I'm sure man of the regular "Disney Complainers" will sure try.

MrHub wrote on Thu, 07/26/2012 - 09:25:

MrHub's picture

I'm sure on Disney's part they are doing it for a very good reason. They are not in the business of upsetting their customers for no good reason, although as you said, many would beg to differ.

Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 07/26/2012 - 18:13:

Kristen K.'s picture

There's always someone who is going to complain, but Disney does a lot to keep it's guests happy while still satisfying the shareholders. It would be nice if the regular park hours got that extra boost.

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