Haunted Mansion fans can now continue their experience at the newly themed Liberty Square Boutique, Momento Mori. Guests in this unique boutique (rumored to have once been the home of Madame Leota) will be able to pick up all the latest from the pages of Better Tombs and Gardens. The authentic Haunted Mansion merchandise created especially for the Disney Parks will pay homage to the story and details within Disney's classic attraction, and will include a wide range of clothing as well as home goods.
Don't worry if you can't get to the Magic Kingdom Park right because some of the new Memento Mori merchandise is available online at the Disney Storeright now. I think merchandising did a fantastic job with this collection that will appeal to both male and female Haunted Mansion fans. Here are just a few of our favorite items from the housewares collection!
A Once Living Room Where You Can Rest In Peace
Get These Ghoulish Gifts:
Hauntingly Chic Kitchen Accessories
Haunt Your Kitchen:
Are you interested in finding even more spooktacular Disney gifts for Haunted Mansion fans? Check out our friends over Mickey Fix, who have gathered together their Favorite Haunted Mansion Goodies, not only from Momento Mori but all over the web. Mickey Fix is a great place to find all the Disney stuff you never knew you needed. Drop them a comment and tell them we said hello!
alicemouse wrote on Sat, 10/11/2014 - 12:16:
Cool! Thanks, Kristen! We just missed this opening. We tried after Sally-Ann got in on a soft open, but they were only doing them from 4-7 and we couldn't be at MK at those times on out remaining days due to other plans, so we'll be living vicariously through articles like these!
Kristen K. wrote on Sat, 10/11/2014 - 14:02:
My pleasure! I can't wait to visit this store when I get down there in February, we have some big Haunted Mansion fans in our house and everyone is excited about this one!
Sally-Ann wrote on Sun, 10/12/2014 - 16:58:
Kristen start saving your cents, there is a lot in there that made me go oh and ah. It soon mounts up but we found the merch to be well made and good quality
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