Even though you are in the Vacation Kingdom of the World, there are some hotel room guidelines that will help you keep safe and help prevent any unfortunate accidents. Fortunately, the Walt Disney World Resorts make things available in room to aid in this goal.
Upon arrival, as we make our way to the room, I count the doorways between our room and the nearest set of stairs. The closest emergency exit may not be in the direction of the elevators, and in case of an emergency turning the wrong direction can cost critical time. It's also a good idea to make note of the closest alarm pull, if possible.
Pop Century Resort In-room Safe
Once in the hotel room the first thing to do is to check for bedbugs. I do this by flipping the sheets up (carefully) off of the mattress and first examining the seams along the top. Look for bugs, droppings, and small bloodstains, particularly along the edge seams and any buttons that may be on the top of the mattress. A flashlight and the edge of a credit card (or room key card) will come in handy with making it easier to see anything there. I also lift up the side of the mattress, looking for any scurrying beasties. If you can move the headboard, check behind it, as well, for stains, bugs, or leavings. Don't forget to check under the mattress, at the frame, and check other upholstered furniture, too. If you suspect a problem call the front desk immediately.
Many Disney rooms have an in-room safe in the closet. Some of them are big enough to fit a laptop and such into, while others are more of a "cash stash" and are only large enough for paperwork and wallets. Either way, use them! They are there for your convenience and security, and nothing is quite like the downer of having electronics or cash pilfered.
Use The Security Features Provided
Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with how the door lock works. All of the hotel rooms that I've stayed in over the past several years have a pass lock, that works from the outside with a key of some sort, a locking knob on the inside of the door, which works kind of like a deadbolt. The ones that I've been in also have some sort of security chain or security bar that goes between the doorframe and the door itself. When everybody is in the room, flip that bad boy into the secured configuration. If someone comes to your door unexpectedly, don't just open it, look through the peephole to see who it is, and don't hesitate to ask hotel staff for their ID if you have any question about who they say that they are. If you are at all uncertain, call the front desk.
Many hotel bathrooms on property have some electric appliances, as well, like a hair dryer, an iron, and a coffee maker. Always keep them unplugged unless you are using them, and make sure that you unplug as soon as you're done. If you are traveling with little ones, be extra careful of the iron and coffee pot, since they get dangerously hot.
Speaking of little ones, please, PLEASE don't leave them on the balcony unattended, and NEVER leave them alone standing on a chair near the rail. Little kids are top-heavy (their heads are proportionately heavier than their bodies) and if they are standing on a chair, the top railing is usually right at their waist, which makes it particularly easy to topple over the edge of the railing and fall to the ground.
Never Leave Kids On The Balcony Alone
Thanks to our friends over at the Pop Century Site for their image of an in room safe. The Walt Disney World resorts are excellent for safety, however whenever anyone travels it is important for them to take personal responsibility and be prepared. I hope that my tips here help you ensure that your trip is full of only happy memories!
Thanks so much to Geordon V. for this informative guest post. If you would like to learn more about packing your travel bags to be prepared visit his blog Hurricane Dad for a more details.
KPringle wrote on Wed, 03/08/2017 - 05:09:
A hotel is like a home away from home with all the facilities. When looking for a hotel, luxury is one of the important factor to consider. But one should never overlook security factor of the hotel. Whether we stay for one day or few days, we want our things to be safe. Thus, hiring a hotel room with hotel room safes ensures security. So, alongwith providing the luxurious facilities, every hotel must have room safes installed by renowned manufacturer to reduce the chance for liability claims towards the hotel.
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