Airline Check-in At WDW Resort Hotels, Yay or Nay?

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Airline Check-in At WDW Resort Hotels, Yay or Nay?

Has anyone every checked in for their airline flights at the resort hotel? What's been your experience with the service? Does it make things go easier? Have you ever had trouble with your luggage?

I have some experience (and a luggage horror story) but I would love to hear how the service has been working for you!

SoloFriendly's picture
Joined: 08/18/2008
Posts: 556

Are you referring to using the Magical Express to check your luggage for your flight home? I've done that. No problem terms of the flight. I did find it a bit inconvenient that I spent a hot and sweaty day at the park before the flight, and couldn't swap out fresh clothing from my suitcase, because my suitcase had already gone to the airport on an earlier bus than me. Oh well. Sorry to my seatmate on the plane. laugh



Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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We have never had a problem either, it worked perfectly. Pack all your luggage that is to be checked in and go to the resorts airline check in area and they will check in your luggage on the proper flight and that is the last you will see of it until you get home, (hopefully laugh ) also just a side note that THEY WILL WEIGH YOUR LUGGAGE, so make sure that it is under your airlines weight limits, you know all those souvenirs will add up. wink


JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

I used the airline check-in last year and didn't have any issues. I checked in for my flight around 7:00am and left my carry-on in my friends' room (they weren't leaving until the next day).

I will definitely use it again this year.


Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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We do Magical Express... cant do it any other way. Makes life soooooooooooooo much easier to check in down stairs and hand over our baggage. My Dad and I would go check in, and leave my wife and Mom with the kids in the room so they can chill... cant really do that at the airport. Too hectic.


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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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For the most part, I've really enjoyed this service. We've only had trouble once, and that was the first time that we used it.

We checked in for our flights and checked our luggage with DME at the Resort at 9AM, then went to the parks for the day. At 5PM (shortly before we were supposed to board DME back to ORD) we got a call from the airline saying that our flight had been canceled and we couldn't get out until 24 hours later. DME had already sent our luggage ahead, and in fact, though they say this shouldn't have happened, it went on to Chicago without us! DME sent someone to MCO and they scoured the airport for our bags, but about 10 o'clock that night discovered that our bags had left ahead of us.

So, we bought new Tshirts and a pair of shoes for me in the gift shop and enjoyed our extra day at Disney. Our bags were in Chicago when we arrived, but because they had sat at baggage claim for over 24 hours they had been completely gone through by TSA and everything was a mess, but nothing was missing.

Since that experience *always* keep an extra change of clothes in my carry on bag. Smile

DonaldDork's picture
Joined: 01/23/2011
Posts: 621

love this service..

in fact, I only fly airlines that participate in the program, and so far, I've only stayed at resorts that do it. It's just.. one less thing to worry about and one more thing that Disney does better than anyone else.

I love walking in to the airport and just cruising right on through to security... I dont even know what the bag check in area looks like at MCO!

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

Encountered my first glitch with this yesterday. It wasn't Disney's fault. I booked mine and my mom's flights through Southwest and each of us had one flight on AirTran. My mom flew AirTran down and Southwest back. I had the opposite.

With the merging of the two airlines Disney didn't have access to my mom's flight home and she had to check in at the airport. I was able to check in for my flight.


The Colonel's picture
Joined: 11/08/2012
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Be sure to check in 24 hours before your flight, and print your boarding passes, not the morning of your flight. Or you could find your party seated all over the plane. All the airline guarantees is a seat, they don't guarantee that you will be seated together.


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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

I love this service - the only glitch that we've had was when we checked our bags in at 9am and our DME bus didn't leave until 6 pm. While we were eating dinner our flight was canceled - but our bags had already gone to the airport. They tried to get them back for us, but the bags had already flown home without us on another flight. So we bought new Tshirts and enjoyed another day at Disney.