Mickey's Choice...?

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Joined: 07/19/2013
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Mickey's Choice...?

Okay, so I came up with an idea and would like to know what you all think.

My wife and I have been to WDW a few times now and we tend to just wing it while there. We sometimes find ourselves trying to decide what park to visit on a given day. So, I thought, why not leave it to Mickey?

Imagine there is one (or two) WDW transportation buses that have "Mickey's Choice" on the LED signs. They drive around randomly to various resorts and then to the parks. The idea is that you get on and have NO idea where you're going! That's right... It might be MK or Epcot or DHS or...

And the driver will not tell you either. wink

I think it would be fun and sort of entertaining at the same time.

Would you use a Mickey's Choice bus if they were available?


Okay, when do I get a name tag? LOL.

Miss Mikki's picture
Joined: 10/20/2012
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Hi KenJ, we play a game which I named bus roulette. Basically you get on the first bus that arrives at the stop. This includes when you leave the parks.

On morning we went to DTD. Then we played bus roulette and ended up at Wilderness Lodge. We explored the resort and grounds, had a drink at the pool bar and then took a boat to the Contemporary for more drinks and exploration. From there we monorailed to the Poly, had dinner and then went to the MK in time for the fireworks. We couldn't have planned this day, it was just really fun and spontaneous.

I like the Mickey's choice idea. It sounds fun, like a magical mystery tour!


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Joined: 07/19/2013
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That sounds like fun! That's exactly the spontaneous stuff we like!

Thinking further, the Mickey's Choice bus MIGHT even ocassionally to something unheard of... Go resort to resort!

We actually quite enjoy spending a day just visiting another resort to check it out. This is the kind of fun that day visitors just don't experience and is why I always recommend staying onsite and "in the bubble". So much to do when at WDW!

scorpio301's picture
Joined: 07/18/2011
Posts: 85

I LOVE this idea !! Is there a suggestion box you can send it ? I would love to try this, great idea !! mickey


JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
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I think that would be a cool idea for those of use who are fortunate enough to visit often. If it was my first (and maybe only) time there, I'm not sure I'd want to take the "chance" on the "Choice". I like the idea of bus roulette though!! I might have to try that on an upcoming trip.


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Joined: 06/03/2013
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I also love this idea. We're going to be there long enough this year that we have a few unplanned days. I could totally see us doing something like this.

Joined: 07/19/2013
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The nice thing is that this bus or buses would run in addition to the regular ones. So, it would be *your* choice whether or not you want to use *Mickey's Choice*.

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
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I love it when people think outside the box! muchlove sounds fun!

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
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That sounds like a great idea...And i think I might have to try the bus roulette idea when me and hubby are there by ourselves in November


Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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I really like this idea too! Plus, it'd be a nice change for the bus driver as well. Rather than spend their shift going back and forth to the same park, they'd have some freedom to switch up the route.

Joined: 07/19/2013
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Spook wrote:
I really like this idea too! Plus, it'd be a nice change for the bus driver as well. Rather than spend their shift going back and forth to the same park, they'd have some freedom to switch up the route.

You reminded me of an interesting fact we were told by one of the bus drivers at WDW. Apparently, they don't drive the same route twice in one day. I thought that was really cool.

Allie's picture
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Miss Mikki wrote:
Hi KenJ, we play a game which I named bus roulette. Basically you get on the first bus that arrives at the stop. This includes when you leave the parks.

On morning we went to DTD. Then we played bus roulette and ended up at Wilderness Lodge. We explored the resort and grounds, had a drink at the pool bar and then took a boat to the Contemporary for more drinks and exploration. From there we monorailed to the Poly, had dinner and then went to the MK in time for the fireworks. We couldn't have planned this day, it was just really fun and spontaneous.

I like the Mickey's choice idea. It sounds fun, like a magical mystery tour!

Love this idea! What a great way to experience different resorts!

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

How fun would that be!

I would totally take Mickey's choice if I had a non-park day that was scheduled for hopping or whatever. However for the most part I think I'm too much of a control freak to do it.

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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I did bus roulette once in the morning. Hubby was sleeping late, we were planning on Animal Kingdom that day, but the first bus that showed up was a Magic Kingdom bus so I just got on, then hopped to AK after hubby woke up. I will do it again. Not at the end of the day, though. After a full day of touring I just want to get back to my OWN bed.

I don't think I'd want to play bus roulette or let Mickey choose every day of a trip, though. If I know a particular park has crazy high crowd estimates for the day, the last thing I'd want is to find myself at that park's gates.

Kristen K.'s picture
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crazycatperson wrote:

I don't think I'd want to play bus roulette or let Mickey choose every day of a trip, though. If I know a particular park has crazy high crowd estimates for the day, the last thing I'd want is to find myself at that park's gates.

Here's the catch - Disney has spent several years looking for ways to get guests to the areas and parks with slower traffic, when all along they just needed this Mickey Mystery Bus! The wise business choice would be to use the bus to fill the slower parks thereby evening out the traffic flow patterns and maximizing operational spending.

Becks534's picture
Joined: 12/17/2011
Posts: 277

Bus roulette is great fun! Granted we usually do it AFTER we've gone to MK and done our traditional "firsts" of the trip.

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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Kristen K. wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:

I don't think I'd want to play bus roulette or let Mickey choose every day of a trip, though. If I know a particular park has crazy high crowd estimates for the day, the last thing I'd want is to find myself at that park's gates.

Here's the catch - Disney has spent several years looking for ways to get guests to the areas and parks with slower traffic, when all along they just needed this Mickey Mystery Bus! The wise business choice would be to use the bus to fill the slower parks thereby evening out the traffic flow patterns and maximizing operational spending.

Good point. And then I'd be happy to take the "Mickey's Choice" bus.

Joined: 05/20/2013
Posts: 166

Sounds like fun to me. I do something similar when I don't have a strong desire to go to a specific park I'll look at the the recommended parks for the day & get on the first bus that comes along that's going to one of the recommended parks or Downtown Disney.