My favorite secret- and sadly I don't think they do this anymore- is in DTD my dad and I used to go one afternoon and you could rent a wooden stick, with a piece of string and a hook that they called a fishing pole- It was seriously a stick. They wouldn't give you bait either. We used to buy some popcorn and go popcorn fishing down there all the time. It was so silly because it was a stick and popcorn but we loved it!
On the last time we saw this, I actually caught a fish with my popcorn! Unfortunately when my dad went to take it off the hook, it puffed up and cut his hand. I did not even think this type of fish was in the area and I still swear to this day it was a fluke of some sort and shouldn't have been there. We still laugh about this all the time!
I know the food is awful most times, but I still like sharing a spaghetti noodle and Tony's Town Square as well!
Also, mickey shaped jello and mini burgers and dogs and the Plaza!