To Hop or Not...

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The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
Posts: 750

mrhub wrote:
Doing the Parks Commando in my opinion means having every second of every day planned and trying to keep to that plan. You know like be at the park at rope drop,9am, 9:10 do meet and great with Mickey, 9: 20 run down Main Street and into Adventure land, get to jungle Cruise by 9:25, get off Jungle Cruise and head to Pirates by 9:35 and so on and so on, and so on. People really do the parks that way and if their times get messed up, out! They are the ones you usually see having a melt down as we call it by noon.

Wow, that sounds crazy! I've seen tourists in New York and Philadelphia get like that, but guess I never noticed it at Disney because I'm just enjoying myself too much! Thanks for the explanation!

Ollie wrote:
In the US, one of our usages for 'commando' is doing something like a soldier, braving all obstacles, powering through. In regards to WDW it would be touring like you are on orders to conquer the park.
AND I know that all our UK friends have a more indelicate slang connotation for 'commando' involving not wearing any, ah, knickers, is it? I certainly don't want to tackle WDW without my knickers. . . . silly
Of course in the US, knickers are called underwear. So now you all know how to avoid international embarrassment! wink

AND Proof that although we both speak English, there are some important shades of difference. cool

Indeed! It can even be a regional or generational thing, language is funny like that. I'm from Jersey near New York and now live in Philly, and the only way I've EVER heard that term is in regards to not wearing undies. Thank you, as well!


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
Indeed! It can even be a regional or generational thing, language is funny like that. I'm from Jersey near New York and now live in Philly, and the only way I've EVER heard that term is in regards to not wearing undies. Thank you, as well!

Yeah Cookkie Crumbler, we're just west of you and thats the way I always heard the term used to till we joined the forum.

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

One of our favorite things about Park Hopper passes is that it let us spend the morning in a park before it got crowded, then go to a different park for lunch of dinner if we wanted. That way even though it was crowded in the 2nd park we could go to our ADR. That being said I think it's easy to plan around not having park hoppers if you want to save the money.

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
Posts: 771

Brad wrote:
One of our favorite things about Park Hopper passes is that it let us spend the morning in a park before it got crowded, then go to a different park for lunch of dinner if we wanted. That way even though it was crowded in the 2nd park we could go to our ADR. That being said I think it's easy to plan around not having park hoppers if you want to save the money.

I love the freedom that a park hopper gives you. If I head to AK, I know that I will not stay there all day and then I have the option to end my day at another park. However, I could spend days in Epcot and never get tired of being there!


** BeLiNdA **