JanJ and KenJ's September 2014 Trip Report

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CdnSquirrel's picture
Joined: 10/12/2013
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Is it just me or are ALL the snacks at WDW enormous? Cookies the size of pancakes, rice krispy treats big as dinner plates...

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

CdnSquirrel wrote:
Is it just me or are ALL the snacks at WDW enormous? Cookies the size of pancakes, rice krispy treats big as dinner plates...

Haha, yes it looks that way doesn't it? There are lots of smaller size snacks to choose from as well. But we do find that, generally speaking, serving sizes are bigger here in the US, compared to Canada.

The Colonel's picture
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KenJ wrote:
The Colonel wrote:
Sharp pictures and great report!

Thanks Colonel!

BTW, you have some WONDERFUL images on your SmugMug site. Very nicely done! awesome

Thank you, you're very kind.


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The Colonel's picture
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Serious food porn here


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Here's a short video of Off Kilter we took yesterday. Sorry for the shakiness at times, I was trying to adjust the camera and was holding it with one hand with no stabilization on the lens.

crazycatperson's picture
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JanJ wrote:
CdnSquirrel wrote:
Is it just me or are ALL the snacks at WDW enormous? Cookies the size of pancakes, rice krispy treats big as dinner plates...

Haha, yes it looks that way doesn't it? There are lots of smaller size snacks to choose from as well. But we do find that, generally speaking, serving sizes are bigger here in the US, compared to Canada.

Which is why so many of us are, ummm, "fluffy."

Hubby and I share a lot of snacks and the occasional counter-service meal. At least we aren't getting more fluffy. laugh

The Watchmaker's picture
Joined: 07/08/2014
Posts: 1802

Great report and awesome pics..Did any of Off Kilter say anything about their goodbyes.?

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

crazycatperson wrote:
JanJ wrote:
CdnSquirrel wrote:
Is it just me or are ALL the snacks at WDW enormous? Cookies the size of pancakes, rice krispy treats big as dinner plates...

Haha, yes it looks that way doesn't it? There are lots of smaller size snacks to choose from as well. But we do find that, generally speaking, serving sizes are bigger here in the US, compared to Canada.

Which is why so many of us are, ummm, "fluffy."

Hubby and I share a lot of snacks and the occasional counter-service meal. At least we aren't getting more fluffy. laugh

Haha! As you can see from our pictures, we are a little "fluffy" ourselves. wink
We rarely have days like we did yesterday, but we are on vacation, so every once in a while doesn't hurt. As long as we don't gain weight at the end of a Disney vacation, we're golden! biggrin

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

The Watchmaker wrote:
Great report and awesome pics..Did any of Off Kilter say anything about their goodbyes.?

Thanks Watchmaker. We didn't stick around too long, but they didn't say anything about it. Maybe closer to their last show they will?

JanJ's picture
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Ok, we are heading back to AK today and will be going to watch the Lion King and Nemo for the first time! Will let you know what we think later. mickey

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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Yay for seeing Finding Nemo and Lion King! Can't wait to hear what you think! It was great meeting up with you guys!

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JanJ wrote:
The Watchmaker wrote:
Great report and awesome pics..Did any of Off Kilter say anything about their goodbyes.?

Thanks Watchmaker. We didn't stick around too long, but they didn't say anything about it. Maybe closer to their last show they will?

I'm sure there is some clause in a contract somewhere that would prevent them from saying too much.

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

It's raining now, and has been for about an hour, so thought I would update you all on our day. Hopefully, the rain stops soon as we have a reservation for the Epcot After Hours Wind Down at Tutto Gusto tonight.

We decided to head to Kona for breakfast this morning, so walked through Epcot to the monorail. We were going to walk from the TTC to the Poly, but I wasn't sure if there was a walkway still. And, we always get lost going that way anyway! laugh

It was very quiet people-wise at the restaurant, but you could hear lots of work going on. Ken had the ham and cheese omelet and I had eggs and bacon. Pretty boring breakfast, but it was very good.

Then we tried to figure out what we were going to do today. I suggested a trip back to AK to see the Lion King and Finding Nemo shows. We had yet to see either of these, so thought we would give it a try. I pulled out my iPhone and quickly booked some FP's for both shows as well as Dinosaur - so convenient. We then headed out front to wait for a bus. The express monorail to MK stopped just outside the station at the Poly so Ken took this interesting shot.

Once at AK, we took our time walking through the Oasis as we had about 30 min before our first FP for the Lion King.

We continued on to Africa and then went back to the new theatre and checked out the huge new area that was built. We talked to a couple of CM's and they told us that the whole area was swamp - you would never know it.

We both enjoyed the show - we were in the elephant section. I especially enjoyed the acrobats. Up next - Finding Nemo.

JanJ's picture
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Ok, on to Finding Nemo. We walked through Asia and realized a wall had gone up along the water since we were here on Monday. We asked a CM and he said they were increasing the seating area for a new light show on the water! Should be good.

We stopped first in Dino-land for another ride on Primeval Whirl. Ken went with me this time and he survived! I think I found a new favourite ride.

It was now time for Finding Nemo. We could sit anywhere, so we picked towards the back, right in the centre of the theatre. It filled up to almost capacity by the time the show started.

Again, we both enjoyed the show but if I had to choose a favourite, I would pick Finding Nemo. The colours were more vibrant and it followed the movie, which is what I'm familiar with. But, that being said, neither one of us would be in a hurry to see them again anytime soon - maybe in a few years?

During the Nemo show, we had both received an email from Disney advising us that our next FP would have to be rescheduled since Dinosaur was not running - that's great service. We just decided to head back to the hotel since it was now amost 4 and the park would be closing in an hour anyway. On our way back, we could see the big black clouds coming in and as mentioned, it has been raining for almost 2 hours. It's clearing up now, so we'll be off to Epcot soon.

On another side note, I finished off the Red Velvet cupcake tonight from Starring Rolls and this one is hands down my favourite. Love, absolutely love, the cream cheese icing! Sorry, no pictures, but it looked exactly like any pictures you will find on the Disney Food Blog. mickey

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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Great report. Glad you got to meet up with Allie and Jon. I don't think you will need to twist MrHub's arm too much to ride ToT with you in January. Smile


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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No need to twist my arm, ToT is my Favorite. Sweet dreams of another Disney Day you two!

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
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I'm sending Amy with you and Mr Hub on TOT!! biggrin

MrHub's picture
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Magic Mirror wrote:
I'm sending Amy with you and Mr Hub on TOT!! biggrin


CdnSquirrel's picture
Joined: 10/12/2013
Posts: 365

Those live performances Look great. How long are they?

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

CdnSquirrel wrote:
Those live performances Look great. How long are they?

The Lion King was about 30 min and Finding Nemo was about 40 min, so not too long. And the theatres are air conditioned, which was a nice relief today.

MrHub wrote:
Magic Mirror wrote:
I'm sending Amy with you and Mr Hub on TOT!! biggrin


Yay! Can't wait. awesome

The Colonel's picture
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I can't wait to hear about After Hours at Tutto Gusto. It's still on my itinerary and I'm up in the air about whether to cancel it.


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JanJ's picture
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The Colonel wrote:
I can't wait to hear about After Hours at Tutto Gusto. It's still on my itinerary and I'm up in the air about whether to cancel it.

We both enjoyed it and Ken especially enjoyed the empty park on our way out. The wine flight was tasty and I'm not a big wine drinker. I got the white wine with a vegetarian selection and Ken got the red wine flight with his snack. If we did it again, I would go with the dessert selection. The place is beautiful as I'm sure you know, and we plan to go back tomorrow for lunch. Not sure if it's worth the full $35, but we're glad we did it at least once. No discounts on that either.

I'll post some pics later.

The Colonel's picture
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What time do you get out? My ADR is for Saturday at 10:20. I love the Napolitano plate there- I think that's what its called. Fresh Mozz, eggplant, mushrooms and bruschetta...
9/27. The last show of Off Kilter, my only chance to see Frozen at DHS, I have DHS FPs, and I have ADR for Epcot After Hours- I'll be running back and forth like a loon from WS to DHS.


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JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
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Our ADR was for 9:20 and we left around 10, but we could have stayed longer. Some people were ordering wine and they certainly weren't about to kick us out. We enjoyed an Off Kilter show before hand. Sounds like you'll be getting your exercise!!

jw24's picture
Joined: 11/23/2013
Posts: 999

Great shots from the AK. The Harambe Theater looks amazing.


"All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day, not above them but part of them.

And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."

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Okay, so I'll jump in here and post what we did last night.

After the rain stopped, we headed over to Epcot. We were walking past the stage in Canada at about 7:25 and we watched Off Kilter perform at 7:30. They did a great performance as usual.

Mark Weldon saw me with the camera. LOL.

I also took a 10 minute long video of them performing. I'll edit it together when I get home as the upload speeds here at the Boardwalk aren't that great. Okay for photos, not so much for video.

We then wandered up to the front of Epcot and rode Spaceship Earth. You know, this is one ride I never get tired of. I just really enjoy being on it. It also has that wonderful "Disney" ride smell. Do you guys know what I mean? The indoor rides all have the same familiar smell. Must be the plastics they use or something. LOL.

Then we walked down towards Italy. On the way, I spotted this tree that had a bunch of Ibis's sleeping in it. They apparently live in the trees. Very cool birds.

Just some random shots I took before Illuminations started.

And a few shots from Illuminations.

After Illuminations, we headed over to Tutto Gusto for our After Hours Wind Down.

Here is what we ordered from the Wind Down menu...

It was really good food and wine. I enjoyed the experience as it was a nice quiet setting with about 20 people or so. I'm not sure it was worth $35 per person, but it was a unique experience.

We left Tutto Gusto and then walked around Epcot, eventually heading to the International Gateway. I've never been in Epcot at night after it is closed. It was amazing. So peaceful. I kept stopping to look around and soak it in. I also took a few photos of course...

Here, if you look closely, you can see all the friendship boats heading in for the night. They all go into the canal under the drawbridge along with the Illuminations barges. In fact, the barges were heading in too when I took this photo but you can barely see them as they just have the red/green running lights and that's it. They also seemed to be testing the sound system in the park as there were random standard announcements regarding Illuminations. Things like "show will start shortly" etc.

More photos from our walk back to International Gateway.

So, it was a great way to end another great day at WDW. I thoroughly enjoyed our walk around World Showcase after hours.

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So, today is September 5th and it's our 22nd anniversary.

Heading to the Yachtsman Steakhouse tonight. I can't think of any other place I'd rather be to celebrate our anniversary than Disney World.


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Happy Anniversary and Beautiful Photos!


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Beautiful shots of Epcot at night.

Happy Anniversary!

Eeyore's picture
Joined: 11/22/2012
Posts: 1120

Happy anniversary you guys! Enjoy the evening. Love the TR, as usual! Smile