The Mosquito At WDW..

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I was there last Sep/Oct and had no issues with mosquitos - didn't see one!

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Joined: 03/11/2014
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King Fergus wrote:
There is a small village high up in the mountains of Crete..Cannot spell the name properly..Antisipopoulo..Something like that..Where the mosquito has never been seen or heard..The reason is the village is populated with Eucalyptus trees...Seems the dreaded Mossy cannot stand the smell from these trees..

I was going to mention that there are alternative treatments for avoiding "the bite". I am not sure if Avon is in your area of the world but they have a lotion that also happens to be a repellent for bugs AND smells better. There are also a couple of leaf based ones. I know of two particularly, a eucalyptus based, and a basil based. I can't wear the first because I am allergic to the eucalyptus plant and they other works but you smell like an Italian Salad for the time you wear it.

I like the wipe idea....will have to look for that, although we have never had the problem. It might be easier to carry the after effect stuff, "Sting Ease" or Hydrocortizone cream.


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