Is there a ride you won't go on again?

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Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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Hi! shopsalot and welcome and please tell us more about your first vacation in 6 yrs..


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I have a few. Astro orbiter, teacups, the land, and animal kingdom

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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And welcome to you too matty_cakes. Hey why don't you both go to the introduce yourself thread and tell us ALL about the yourselves and your plans so we can give you a proper WDWFG welcome. awesome


rhul's picture
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I adore drops on roller coasters & like open "drop tower" type rides. But I will NEVER ride Tower of Terror again. The theming is incredible & I loved the Twilight Zone references, but... the random drops & darkness played havoc with my inner ear & stomach.

My inner ear also has problems with circles & 360°/IMAX films. So no Teacups, Dumbo, Whirl, Soarin', or any of the WS films for me.

crazycatperson's picture
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Nancy D wrote:
I would love to see the inside of ToT, and experience the whole story behind it, but that drop?? FUGGEDDABOUDIT!!

Nancy, you can walk through and then take the chicken exit. I've done it.

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I went once. I didn't get sick but how ridiculous did it look for a grown woman to do the crab walk to the exit door. It really messed up my equilibrium so I've decided not to become an astronaut.

Mase's picture
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crazycatperson wrote:
Nancy D wrote:
I would love to see the inside of ToT, and experience the whole story behind it, but that drop?? FUGGEDDABOUDIT!!

Nancy, you can walk through and then take the chicken exit. I've done it.

Yeah... you get to take a slower Elevator to the bottom... heh


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Allie's picture
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finngirl wrote:
Dinosaur! Not scary, except for how it wrecks your back! yuck

It's A Small World! For me, that is the worst ride ever, and even thinking about it right now, I have that song stuck in my head. Thankfully DH feels the same, so I never have to ride it again.

That happened to me on my last Disney trip as well! It's kind of sad because It's a Small World is a classic, but I don't think I could face it again after the memory of being stuck on that boat for 25 min with the song repeatedly playing over and over, screaming kids in the boat behind us, and a very full bladder....yikes!

I'd also have to add the teacups. I'm about as adventurous as it comes when it comes to ride but for some reason I can just NOT handle teacups!

disneydoc's picture
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I feel so much better about myself now after this thread! I was feeling like a Disney wus. sad

I have done ToT with my kiddos in years back, but no can do now. I really might ride up and see then take the chicken exit, like someone mentioned. I would also like to do this for Splash. I love all the Song of the South stuff.

I gave Space Mtn ago early this summer, and it took my stomach 2 days to calm down. So no can do for that one either.

I have therefore regrettfully avoided BTM, Everest, RRC, Mission Space, and anything else with a red triangle. wink

I am now down with my motion sick self. Plenty of magic out there still.

And no Laugh Floor???? You just have to know where to sit...they are very predictable with where the camera is going to go, I think. I choose the top left, near the back row. And since I am not a guy, I can't be chose for "that guy." I'm sorry - but the Laugh Floor is hilarious, every time, in my opinion.

And I still want to know how they do this!!!! They do it with Turtle Talk too....he can see us!

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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Oh yes, definitely no Teacups, no dino land swirly thing, no astro orbiter....(did try that this time, same day as Space Mtn).....the good thing is that lots of folks want the red triangle rides, leaving more space on PEOPLE MOVER!!!!!

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Ever since I had kids I cannot do anything that spins. Since we are all confessing our hearts...the CAROUSEL bothers me, even to watch! So no teacups, astro orbiter, Dumbo or any other spinning sad For right now I still have it in me for the big Rnr, and Everest is my favorite. I could do w/o Space mtn, it's ok but sometimes bothers my neck.

I saw a documentary on Disney (there's lots of them) that explained the technology they use with Laugh Floor and Crush but I can't explain it to you on here. They have Disney documentaries on the Travel channel sometimes, I think that's where I saw it. Someone technologically literate (not me) can probably find and share a link, I'm sure it's out there somewhere.



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crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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disneydoc, motions sickness does not make you or me a wuss. It just means we don't want to ruin an entire Disney day by getting dizzy and hurling on someone else's shoes.

I've occasionally ridden roller coasters at our local park. We have season passes. If I get sick, I can come back next week at no additional charge.