What's been your Biggest dining disappointment at Disney?

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robertcraig's picture
Joined: 05/19/2011
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Maybe i have been lucky but i have never had a bad experiance at any of the disney resturants. the only one i was dissapointed with was PLANET HOLLYWOOD



Kristen K.'s picture
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MsVersaci wrote:

If you wouldn't of gone in with expectations, perhaps you wouldn't of felt that way though. Was it just average food, or did the atmosphere disappoint you as well? I've noticed recently (say the past two years) that you really need to be an active participant in the fun at Whispering Canyon to get the most out of it. It feels more forced to me than it used to be. You can't really sit back and wait for it to happen.

We were having a fairly quiet breakfast there last month when suddenly a waiter across the room yelled "We need Ketchup!" Well, no one moved. I knew what should have happened but everyone just kept eating. So, I jumped up and said "I've got some!" And ran across the room to give them my ketchup, right behind me four other women jumped up and ran theirs over, then it snowballed. It was fun, and once that happened, more fun stuff happened as well.

We were talking to the manager and she was telling us that all of the servers come up with their own material. They have the freedom to serve you how they want to, so depending on who is working the experience differs. They walk a line there between having fun and not offending people, she said it can sometimes be hard to judge. It's very possible for one table to be having a rolicking good time with the craziest server ever, while a couple of tables away everything is more "regular". Setting the atmosphere truly plays off of the patrons at the tables at any given time.

robertcraig's picture
Joined: 05/19/2011
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I dont know what i was expecting when I went to PLANNET HOLLYWOOD the food was ok but the service was poor. My favourite experiance was TEPAN EDO great food and a fun timewith a very entertaining chef



MsVersaci's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
MsVersaci wrote:

If you wouldn't of gone in with expectations, perhaps you wouldn't of felt that way though. Was it just average food, or did the atmosphere disappoint you as well? I've noticed recently (say the past two years) that you really need to be an active participant in the fun at Whispering Canyon to get the most out of it. It feels more forced to me than it used to be. You can't really sit back and wait for it to happen.

We were having a fairly quiet breakfast there last month when suddenly a waiter across the room yelled "We need Ketchup!" Well, no one moved. I knew what should have happened but everyone just kept eating. So, I jumped up and said "I've got some!" And ran across the room to give them my ketchup, right behind me four other women jumped up and ran theirs over, then it snowballed. It was fun, and once that happened, more fun stuff happened as well.

We were talking to the manager and she was telling us that all of the servers come up with their own material. They have the freedom to serve you how they want to, so depending on who is working the experience differs. They walk a line there between having fun and not offending people, she said it can sometimes be hard to judge. It's very possible for one table to be having a rolicking good time with the craziest server ever, while a couple of tables away everything is more "regular". Setting the atmosphere truly plays off of the patrons at the tables at any given time.

It was our first meal in our trip. We had just gotten off the plane and we were EXCITED. All of the servers were very low key. There weren't many other guests there (about 2:00 pm) and I did ask for ketchup and no shenangins occured. We also ordered refils and some guests had the big soda but we didn't get that. Our server was a little old lady whose schtick was kinda mean...... Not really fun.


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Kristen K.'s picture
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MsVersaci wrote:
Our server was a little old lady whose schtick was kinda mean...... Not really fun.

Ugh, I think I had her in February for Breakfast. Our server then was, I don't know, disengaged? Truly kind of a downer. Luckily I had amazing company with me so I tried to ignore her and just enjoy the people at my table. She kept my coffee pot full and at the moment that counted more than anything. Also, it wasn't my first experience there, if it had been I think I may have been greatly disappointed too.

BoBo713's picture
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Those would be the two words I would use for our visit to 50s Prime Time in September.



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Coral reef was the one place we wouldn't go back to. They brought the main out before we had finished the starter. Then when we were ready for it they brought out the same food that had been sitting under a heat lamp! It was totally awful and yes I did send it back and a fresh one came out but it ruined it for me even when they gave us free dessert (which I didn't want or intend to order) yuck


Nancy D's picture
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I had heard great things about the *show* at 50s Prime Time, and not only did our table not get a *show*, the food was....meh. Maybe it's because I'm from the south and have certain expectations for home-cooking...those expectations, nor the "elbows off the table" expectations...we met when we went. (sad face)

MrHub's picture
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My only disspointment is leaving! Sad

Mase's picture
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mrhub wrote:
My only disspointment is leaving! Sad

Yeah... im with you. I had no complaints this year.


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JoAnn C's picture
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mrhub wrote:
My only disspointment is leaving! Sad

Yes! And also when the plate is empty.


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JoAnn C wrote:
mrhub wrote:
My only disspointment is leaving! Sad

Yes! And also when the plate is empty.

laugh OK ... those both are much more disappointing than rude people, I do agree.

You are both so wise in the ways of the Mouse!!! mickey


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Cap'n jacks was the worst we have been to, there was only 5 choices on he menu, and whatever I got was pretty bad, this was before I had heard of food porn and such so I didn't document it


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MikeMc's picture
Joined: 08/12/2012
Posts: 58

Liberty Tree Tavern was terrible, would never go back

Also, for the all the hyoe, Trails End is extremely mediocre. I dont get the buzz about that place



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Kristen K.'s picture
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MikeMc wrote:
Liberty Tree Tavern was terrible, would never go back

I was not find of dinner there in October. I would try their lunch menu though.

finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
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We loved their Pot Roast for lunch last year. When I looked over their dinner menu, I didn't think we would like it as much. I'm glad we chose lunch instead.



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Kristen K.'s picture
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Just about everyone I have heard talk about it says the same. If they went for lunch they loved it, if they went for dinner it was just okay to downright bad.

The Colonel's picture
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I hate to be negative, but I've had so many at WDW. The two that blew my mind were Ohana and Kouzzina. I had heard so many good things about these places that I couldn't get over how mediocre they were. And I went out of my way to get to Ohana, so that really annoyed me.

WDW Dining Translations:
Great = Pretty Good with exhorbitant prices
Pretty Good= eh
Good = edible
Ok = horrible
Bad = Can't get it down-the dog would turn up his nose
Terrible = food poisoning or allergic reactions


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Kat's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
Just about everyone I have heard talk about it says the same. If they went for lunch they loved it, if they went for dinner it was just okay to downright bad.

Yup, I can agree with that! I went to Liberty Tree for my birthday lunch on our last trip (May '10) and had an amazing time! The servers were so nice and attentive and the food was DELICIOUS--best meal we had on our trip for sure! I've never eaten there for dinner and after hearing the reviews I probably never will!


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Ponkool4's picture
Joined: 01/20/2013
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We had a minor disappointment at the Animal Kingdom Rainforest Cafe in 2011 (It's not really a Disney restaurant, but it's close enough). Our server, Brandy, was very enthusiastic and funny, but she tried to push the alcohol a little too much, especially considering we had a four year-old at our table. The food was just ok; I heard that the macaroni and cheese was good, but my grilled chicken sandwich wasn't exciting(then again, it's just a chicken sandwich...). However, the worst part was that it was absolutely FREEZING in there! It's called Rainforest Cafe for pete's sake, not Arctic Cafe! I can see that they think people want a respite from Florida heat, but it was just plain uncomfortable. My sister and I had to go outside to warm up.
Fast forward a few months, and a charge shows up on our credit card for Rainforest Cafe in Florida (we live near DC). Luckily, it was taken care of, but we're definitely not going back there again!


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