Disney Sued Over Hot Cheese

A lawsuit claiming negligence against Disney for serving too-hot nacho cheese has been filed by the family of a four-year-old boy.

Maria Carmen and Michael Jerome Harris, Jr., visited Walt Disney World last March with their four-year-old son. At one point during their stay, the California couple says their son was scalded by nacho cheese served at the resort. In their lawsuit, the couple alleges that Disney is negligent and reckless for not regulating the temperature of the cheese.

The family is seeking $200,000 in damages for "suffering, anguish, fright, worry, and shock."

In response, a statement released by Disney says: It's unfortunate when any child gets injured. We just received notice of the lawsuit and we are currently reviewing it."


DonaldDork wrote on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 05:34:

DonaldDork's picture

I think I'll sue because I got wet on Splash Mountain.

Caleb Berg wrote on Wed, 03/09/2011 - 14:52:

Caleb Berg's picture

dear people,

liquid cheese is hot... it's like drinking coffee... its going to be hot.
Also... the sun is hot, deserts are hot, and so is fire.

JoAnn wrote on Sun, 04/24/2011 - 11:09:

JoAnn's picture

All parents I know test hot things before letting their young kids eat them. If it's too hot, they make the kid wait for it cool down first. I believe that is taught in "Parenting 101". This boy's parents must have been absent that day.

The "suffering, anguish, fright, worry, and shock" must not have been that bad if they waited almost a year to file the lawsuit.

mickey mouse wrote on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 21:44:

mickey mouse's picture

It is unfortunate that the boy was burned. I do have second hand knowledge of the alledged incident. My knowledge comes from someone who was there and happens to be related to the young boy. All those posting that the parents were not there are wrong but right. They were there just not at the same table. The boys young teenage sister was watching the boy and another at the same time. She was blamed entirely for the incident but no one bothered to take a look at the fact that as a young teenager was probably overwhelmed with the care of two small boys one four the other was two.

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