Pascal from Tangled

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Ryry991's picture
Joined: 01/11/2012
Posts: 216
Pascal from Tangled

So I want to create a cute shirt with Pascal on it. There aren't really any adult shirts with just him on it so I want to use this picture...But I need a cute caption for it...All I've come up with is "Judgmental Pascal isn't amused." I just think he is so stinkin' cute! Any caption ideas?

pascal.jpg75.86 KB
isabellemarie's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 101

Haha I love Pascal! I think that caption is good, too!


Disney lover, dancer, cheerleader, and vegetarian. "Keep Adventuring and Stay Not a Grown Up"

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438


That's pretty good. I know in DTD you can have shirts made for you. I wanted a Perry shirt, and my Mom made me one there.


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Jessi5989's picture
Joined: 12/27/2011
Posts: 580

Mase wrote:

That's pretty good. I know in DTD you can have shirts made for you. I wanted a Perry shirt, and my Mom made me one there.

That's my old job! Design-a-Tee in DTD Marketplace!