So here it is! Post your Run Disney Training progress here - all achievements no matter how big or small are welcome
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So here it is! Post your Run Disney Training progress here - all achievements no matter how big or small are welcome
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We've walked twice this week and plan to walk again tomorrow. We walk for about a half hour, which isn't too long but we're working on it
Our plan is to walk another 3 times next week and then hopefully start actually running the week after. Hopefully the snow will melt some more and the roads dry up. We did the 5K at the Wine and Dine last November and haven't ran since
Hi Spook. Congratulations on getting started! We have the same problems with ice and snow, but hoping to start running soon too!
Macdamron - great time Let us know how you get on at your 5k!
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So, I started, and then life went crazy and I petered out. I've been to the gym twice this week, but I cycled both times instead of walking. I'm sure I put my motivation around here someplace, I just can't seem to find it right now.
I'll be running my first long race this year next Saturday . The super hilly Marine Corps 17.75k! Squee almost 2000 feet of climb in 11 miles. My legs will be deliciously jello-y at the end. My final prep run before the taper last week was 10 miles with 1700 feet of climb I had a cold and ran it at a 9:24 pace so I'm 100% ready provided my health holds. Super excited.
Member of the ANRF Running Team. As a warrior of arthritis I encourage you to help us end this disease:
So, I started, and then life went crazy and I petered out. I've been to the gym twice this week, but I cycled both times instead of walking. I'm sure I put my motivation around here someplace, I just can't seem to find it right now.
I think my motivation met up with yours and they both "ran" off!! I skipped my long run this weekend in favor of heading out of town for some good ol' fashion St. Pattys day fun. So instead of running, I've been eating and drinking thousands of calories! But tomorrow I start a running 101 program with 2 coached workouts a week. The coach is also a friend of mine, so if I don't show up for class, I get publicly shamed on facebook, so I guess it's forced motivation.
ETA: I did end up ordering a sparkle skirt and just got it. Hoping it warms up a bit so that I can start wearing it soon! Thanks to Kristen for posting that website!
Great job, everyone! I made it official and signed up for the W&D half, so now it's on to trip planning!
Congrats! I hope on making it official sometime this week!
We went for a run tonight We did more walking than running but it was a start. We did 2.41 miles in about 35min. We have a ways to go but I'm sure we can do it!
The wind was awful though especially when we had to run into it. Luckily that wasn't for much of the run. We were home for maybe half an hour and looked out the window to a blizzard! Guess we got home just in time.
We also made it official tonight and signed up for the W&D half! No turning back now
Yay I did it, finally got started!
I am doing a couch to 5k app. The first training was 25 mins. (5 min warm-up walk, run 1 min then walk 1.5min x 6, 5min cool down walk). I was so worried about this first run after all the medical procedures I have been through in the last 12 months plus I am about 9lbs over my "normal" weight. But I really enjoyed it. The app awards you badges when you achieve each stage of training so I now have my Lionheart badge!
I am not a runner by any means, so if I can do it, anyone can! Looking forward to hearing about all your progress my fellow RunDisney pals
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Good for you! Once the weather warms up I'm going to start walking. I met with a friend on Monday who gave me a lot of good tips. One I hadn't really thought about was breathing while running. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
I'm going to the Disney Store in Times Square, NYC on Saturday. I'm going to see if they have any runDisney gear to buy to get me really motivated.
Good luck JoAnn! Let me know if you find any nice RunDisney gear.
I am so glad I went running today as I have just found out we are expecting heavy snow tonight, so it might be a few days until I can get back out there again!
Can anyone recommend any good running shoes? There seem to be so many brands and types. I am just running in Skechers trainers at the moment, but I think I will need some special running trainers in the near future. Suggestions welcome.
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My friend recommends New Balance running shoes. I have a pair New Balance cross trainers but need to look into running shoes.
Good luck JoAnn! Let me know if you find any nice RunDisney gear.I am so glad I went running today as I have just found out we are expecting heavy snow tonight, so it might be a few days until I can get back out there again!
Can anyone recommend any good running shoes? There seem to be so many brands and types. I am just running in Skechers trainers at the moment, but I think I will need some special running trainers in the near future. Suggestions welcome.
AHHHH!!!! I worked for 4 years at a specialty running store. Sketchers are not good for running (nor by the way are the "firming" shoes with the balance balls on the bottom!! They are fashion shoes marketed as sports shoes and are not good for running. There are a number of good brands and styles out there. I highly recommend that you see if there is a running store near you (NOT a "big box" store like Dicks or Sports Authority, but something clearly focused on running). They should watch you run and walk and then based on your particular gait, recommend a particular type of shoe (neutral, stability, motion control) and then allow you to try on a variety of shoes to find the most comfortable. Whatever you end up with, try them indoors or on a treadmill first, so you can return them if you don't like them. The wrong pair of shoes can lead to IT band problems, knee problems, hip problems, and even low back problems. I've seen a number of runners "fixed" just by getting into the right pair of shoes. I highly doubt you're in the Northern Virginia area, but if you are by chance, ping me privately and I can recommend some of the stores that will do a gait analysis for you. And once you know what you need and like, then you can always look at or another place to see if you can get them cheaper. I try to buy local b/c I worked for a local family business, but I know money doesn't grow on trees and sometimes you can get a good deal that way!
Sorry to get so animated....but shoes are SO important!!
PS - I hate when you re-read what you wrote and find spelling mistakes!! Thank heavens for the edit function!
AHHHH!!!! I worked for 4 years at a specialty running store. Sketchers are not good for running (nor by the way are the "firming" shoes with the balance balls on the bottom!! They are fashion shoes marketed as sports shoes and are not good for running. There are a number of good brands and styles out there. I highly recommend that you see if there is a running store near you (NOT a "big box" store like Dicks or Sports Authority, but something clearly focused on running). They should watch you run and walk and then based on your particular gait, recommend a particular type of shoe (neutral, stability, motion control) and then allow you to try on a variety of shoes to find the most comfortable. Whatever you end up with, try them indoors or on a treadmill first, so you can return them if you don't like them. The wrong pair of shoes can lead to IT band problems, knee problems, hip problems, and even low back problems. I've seen a number of runners "fixed" just by getting into the right pair of shoes. I highly doubt you're in the Northern Virginia area, but if you are by chance, ping me privately and I can recommend some of the stores that will do a gait analysis for you. And once you know what you need and like, then you can always look at or another place to see if you can get them cheaper. I try to buy local b/c I worked for a local family business, but I know money doesn't grow on trees and sometimes you can get a good deal that way!
Sorry to get so animated....but shoes are SO important!!
PS - I hate when you re-read what you wrote and find spelling mistakes!! Thank heavens for the edit function!
I live in the UK. We do have a small specialist shop near us but it is very expensive. My husband who is qualified as a personal trainer said that I should go there for my running shoes for the same reasons you list above. I was just hoping to be able to order online for ease and better pricing. However, I will go to the specialist shop first, they may have some stuff on sale and I don't mind paying a bit extra for advice and good service. Thank you for the advice.
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Woohoo!! 9 miles today. They were SLOW, but they are finished. Now off to take an ice bath with my recovery drink (Baileys and Coffee!!) Hope you all had some good training runs this weekend - can't wait to hear about them!! I wish it would warm up a little, it's hard to convince myself to get out of bed on these below freezing mornings.
Woohoo!! 9 miles today. They were SLOW, but they are finished. Now off to take an ice bath with my recovery drink (Baileys and Coffee!!)Hope you all had some good training runs this weekend - can't wait to hear about them!! I wish it would warm up a little, it's hard to convince myself to get out of bed on these below freezing mornings.
Nice work! I had 12 on tap today, but was sick the last two days and we're having a blizzard. And I refuse to treadmill that long unless I have to, which I don't! Maybe tomorrow. I need to get something in; I have a half on April 7th!
Woohoo!! 9 miles today. They were SLOW, but they are finished. Now off to take an ice bath with my recovery drink (Baileys and Coffee!!)Hope you all had some good training runs this weekend - can't wait to hear about them!! I wish it would warm up a little, it's hard to convince myself to get out of bed on these below freezing mornings.
That's an impressive training run
We have freezing weather, blizzards and snow again too. It makes it so much harder to plan for training.
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I'm going to the Disney Store in Times Square, NYC on Saturday. I'm going to see if they have any runDisney gear to buy to get me really motivated.
No runDisney gear at the Disney store. I did walk get a lot of walking in today while I was in NYC.
Completed my first 5K today! 40:42 which is my fastest so far! I was trying to be under 40 min but due to technical problems with my nike app not playing my music, I had to shut it down cause music was more important! Guess it might be time to invest in a GPS watch. I have 9.5 miles on tap for tomorrow! Let's hope it doesn't snow, cause I would prefer to not have to do that on the treadmill!
Completed my first 5K today! 40:42 which is my fastest so far! I was trying to be under 40 min but due to technical problems with my nike app not playing my music, I had to shut it down cause music was more important! Guess it might be time to invest in a GPS watch. I have 9.5 miles on tap for tomorrow! Let's hope it doesn't snow, cause I would prefer to not have to do that on the treadmill!
Did you run the 5k on your own as part of your training or was it an organised event?
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Completed my first 5K today! 40:42 which is my fastest so far! I was trying to be under 40 min but due to technical problems with my nike app not playing my music, I had to shut it down cause music was more important! Guess it might be time to invest in a GPS watch. I have 9.5 miles on tap for tomorrow! Let's hope it doesn't snow, cause I would prefer to not have to do that on the treadmill!
Congrats! That's awesome!!
macdamron wrote:Completed my first 5K today! 40:42 which is my fastest so far! I was trying to be under 40 min but due to technical problems with my nike app not playing my music, I had to shut it down cause music was more important! Guess it might be time to invest in a GPS watch. I have 9.5 miles on tap for tomorrow! Let's hope it doesn't snow, cause I would prefer to not have to do that on the treadmill!
Did you run the 5k on your own as part of your training or was it an organised event?
It was an anti-smoking fun run. It was pretty awesome. It was a free race, and the shirts we got were good tech shirts (which is pretty surprising) and all the finishers got medals. I might start racing more now for the bling haha!
We have officially started our training program I bought Jeff Galloway's book "Half marathon: you can do it" at the Wine and Dine expo last November (he even signed it
) and it has a few programs for training. We are of course doing the beginners program. We now run for half an hour Mondays and Wednesdays, do an easy walk Thursdays and then a long run on Saturdays. Today was our first day with a half hour run. I can't wait for the warmer weather, the wind tonight was terrible
We also picked up some reflective vests since we run at night. Safety first
We have officially started our training programI bought Jeff Galloway's book "Half marathon: you can do it" at the Wine and Dine expo last November (he even signed it
) and it has a few programs for training. We are of course doing the beginners program. We now run for half an hour Mondays and Wednesdays, do an easy walk Thursdays and then a long run on Saturdays. Today was our first day with a half hour run. I can't wait for the warmer weather, the wind tonight was terrible
We also picked up some reflective vests since we run at night. Safety first
I've found that I like to do a 5k training program on my shorter run nights! There's a fun app called Zombies, Run! 5K training and it's really fun and kind of mixes up the run. Basically you are training for the zombie apocalypse!
I told myself I would start walking on April 1. I just got back from my walk. It wasn't a long walk. It was 60 degrees at lunch and dropped 20 degrees and rained all afternoon. It was cold and damp so I did a walk through my complex. I didn't want to venture too far in case it started raining again.
Good for you JoAnn, least you you got out there and did it! I did 1.75 miles on tread mill today at a 17 minute pace.
I told myself I would start walking on April 1. I just got back from my walk. It wasn't a long walk. It was 60 degrees at lunch and dropped 20 degrees and rained all afternoon. It was cold and damp so I did a walk through my complex. I didn't want to venture too far in case it started raining again.
Your weather sounds like ours was today. I'm ready for spring to get here!
Well my Runkeeper said I did 3.51 miles in 40.30 minutes with average min/mile of 11.33, but i think it lied some. The GPS went hay wire few times and it kept spitting out numbers and times randomly. Closest I can figure, I did about 2.75 miles in 40 minutes. Ha ha , looking at the map on Runkeeper on my phone, it shows I was running in circles in places. Guess I need a new app!.
Ha ha , looking at the map on Runkeeper on my phone, it shows I was running in circles in places. Guess I need a new app!.
You know what they say about that don't you mrhub...... "Blessed are they who go around in circles, For they shall be known as Wheels"