Those who have followed the Marvel Universe from comics to television and now to the movies can tell you that the storylines that Marvel and Disney have chosen to bring to the big screen are truly part of the storytelling process that has made Marvel one of the leading comic book publishers. Now that the first weekend of Captain America: The Winter Soldier has premiered here in the United States, it is easy to say that this was the movie the Disney Marvel fans have been waiting for. In the last few months, a very particular phrase has been thrown around by media outlets as the second installment of the Captain America Saga; it's a game changer.
Personally, this is where I wanted the Marvel Movie-verse to be from day one when I watched Tony Stark strap on his first Iron Man suit and blaze his way out of the terrorist cave. Captain America: The Winter Soldier gave me the thrill and excitement of sitting in my home and actually reading a comic book. From the very first scene aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane to the final meeting of our heroes at the very end, every second reminded me of why I love comics, and Marvel comics in particular. Let's take a look at the movie overall.
** Minor Spoilers Ahead " I'll do my best not to ruin things. **
Steve Rogers / Captain America Grapples With His Past
Captain America: The Winter Soldier plays on many different levels; a little bit of romantic development, a fun buddy movie, some political intrigue, big action, and much more. At its core we get to sit back and watch Steve Rogers come to grips with how much the world has changed since his WWII roots. While we have grown up through 50+ years of the cold war, terrorism, communist regimes, etc, Rogers was trapped in ice. Coming back to a world he could only hope to be the same, Rogers is doing his best to be who he was without compromising his ideals. This is what makes this movie unique, while it is obvious that watching Black Widow devastate a group of no-nothing mercenaries or Falcon go head-to-head with a fighter jet, it is this internal turmoil of Captain America and his battle against the new world the really pulls this movie together.
Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce
The deeper Rogers is dragged into this new world of espionage and lack of trust, he not only has to figure out who he can and cannot trust but eventually learns that one's past isn't as good as they remember. In fact, the past plays very heavily on the minds of all of our heroes as each one must come to grips with things that happened in their early histories. These stories only come out in minor snippets, never really being explained but very important to the basic concept of the movie itself.
Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Mind you, you don't have to go to a comic book movie for the deep underlying struggle between man and his past, there is plenty of Marvel humor, explosions and unbridled action that the average person will have an incredible time with the family. We even found a Hidden Mickey amongst the "easter eggs" of the film. There are just so many reasons to love this movie that you could fill up dozens of pages. Are you looking for a positive, strong female character? Well look no further as four strong female characters make their marks on this franchise (Agent Hill, Agent Carter, Agent 13 and of course Black Widow). Honestly, as my daughters got older and they began to grow out of wanting to be princesses I did everything I could to find positive female aspects in movies and television. Not every girl wants to wear a crown, sometimes they want to wear a cape or wield a lightsaber too.
Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Don't just take my word for how much fun this movie is, the numbers are already out and after both opening weekends abroad and here in the states, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has broken all box records for this early in the summer blockbuster season. On the back of this great windfall, Marvel has released the opening date for Captain America 3. Scheduled for a May 6th, 2016 release date, that gives us two confirmed movies to be released after the events that will take place in Avengers: Age of Ultron (The other movie being Ant-Man).
If you haven't bought your tickets yet to see this incredible fun film, use our affiliate link and get them now!
Now that you know my opinion of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, I would love to hear about what you thought about it. Did you like? Or were you not impressed? Leave a comment below sharing your opinion!
Thanks so much to Erik H. for this great guest post. Erik is a long time comic book fan and who shares his thoughts with us on the Disney Marvel Universe, as well as keeping track of the galactic goings on of Star Wars. Look for more of his articles in the coming months.
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Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 04/10/2014 - 11:49:
I really loved this movie! It had me laughing and on the edge of my seat. Plus, Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are nice to look at. Hahaha!
J wrote on Thu, 04/10/2014 - 18:54:
Agents of Shield was amazing this week, as it essentially had the same thing happening. Plus a very surprising ending that I hope wasn't what it looked like. And I am saying it now without doubt, Scarlett Johansson is the greatest female action star there is!
BoBo713 wrote on Thu, 04/10/2014 - 20:31:
So just got home after watching Captain America: the Winter Soldier................. Awesome !!!!!!! Got to see it see it again.
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