Disney Castmember BlanketEARs Stitch for a Cause

Back in 2007, a group of Disney castmembers would meet once a week to knit caps for soldiers that were serving overseas. In the past 5 years, the group has grown into a larger organization that calls themselves the BlanketEARS.

Handmade with Love by BlanketEARSHandmade with Love by BlanketEARS
Kelly Ann Antalek, a castmember at Walt Disney World was inspired to create a BlanektEARS group in Florida after learning there was a similar group in California. She then discovered that there were many local organizations in the area that would take the knitted items.

Kelly Ann Antalek says, "My motivation is simple. The more I crochet, the more I can donate to people in need."

Now meeting once a month to learn new skills such as a new stich or pattern or even learning to quilt, they have expanded into baby caps, afghans and pet mats.

This past holiday season, the BlanketEARS spread pixie dust around by delivering more than 150 caps and blankets to Orlando area hospitals.

Alexsandra Rosello, a coordinator at the Florida Hospital Cancer Institute says, "The thought of someone personally creating items makes patients feel cared for and blessed. It means a lot because the Disney BlanketEARs took the time to make something that can bring joy and comfort."

The BlanketEARs look forward to reaching out to more charities that are in need of assistance and also hope to include wheelchair totes and scarves among their donations in the future.

I love that there is an organization like this and that the Walt Disney World Company is supporting them!

What do you think of the BlanketEARS? Would you participate if you were a Cast Member? Leave me a comment and let me know!


Gaylin wrote on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 18:27:

Gaylin's picture

This is an awesome idea. My mom and aunt both knit and crochet and make hats and scarves all year long to donate to their local homeless shelters.

Also, BlanketEARS - great name.

Kristen K. wrote on Fri, 03/02/2012 - 21:30:

Kristen K.'s picture

I always love how much Disney Cast Members give back!

Sammi wrote on Sat, 04/08/2017 - 08:58:

Sammi's picture

Hi I'm a CM and looking for information to join. I just taught myself how to crochet and my mom was a BlanketEAR when she worked here as well but lost the contact information. Do you know how I can get in contact and learn when the monthly meetings are? Thank you!

Kristen K. wrote on Sun, 04/09/2017 - 15:39:

Kristen K.'s picture

Hi Sammi! I'm sorry, but we do not have the contact information. Is there a Cast Member directory of some sort that you could find Kelly Ann Antalek through? I was able to locate someone on LinkedIn by that name who was a CM, maybe reach out to her? https://www.linkedin.com/in/kantalek/

Rachelle Hood wrote on Tue, 05/01/2018 - 12:18:

Rachelle Hood's picture

My hat is off to you wonderful women! The Ephraim Project has received countless blankets, knit caps, scarves and other items to keep homeless men, women, and children warm at night. We receive a box of beautiful things every two months or so.

And its clear to everyone that everything is knitted with MUCH LOVE! Some items have gone to poor families who can't afford such niceties.

Thank you for using your gifts to bless others--strangers, but yet people in need.

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