Disney Outside Of The Parks – Connecticut

Like many a Disney fan I like to get my Disney fix in wherever I can find it, that's why today we're headed to Connecticut with Walt Disney World for Grown-ups Member JoAnnC for a sweet time. If you are driving through New England on Interstate 95 in Connecticut, I recommend a stop at the Pez Visitor Center in Orange. If you plan your visit right, you may witness the production floor in operation.

Disney Outside Of The Parks Disney Outside Of The Parks " Connecticut

Pez FactoryPez Factory

The visitor center has a variety of Disney Pez dispensers. Mickey was introduced in the 1960s.

Mickey Mouse Was First Seen In The 1960sMickey Mouse Was First Seen In The 1960s

Early Mickey and Donald Pez DispensersEarly Mickey and Donald Pez Dispensers

Star Wars Characters Joined The FunStar Wars Characters Joined The Fun

2010 Disney Couples Gift Sets2010 Disney Couples Gift Sets

They even have a display dedicated to John Ratzenberger's Pixar characters.

Autographed Pez DispenserAutographed Pez Dispenser

When I visited last summer, I received $5.00 off my purchase. This set came home with me.

Bring A Set Home!Bring A Set Home!

A big thanks goes out to Guest Author JoAnnC for sharing a little bit of her Disney history with us. If you'd like to read more about JoAnn's Disney Adventures, you can find her sharing on our member forum.

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