First Looks at Captain America: Civil War

D23 has officially ended and the movie buzz is enormous. From the obviously huge Star Wars news to a brand new Alice in Wonderland movie, D23 did not disappoint the fans. One of the biggest blocks of information came out of the Marvel room as Captain America: Civil War was showcased to Disney fans for the very first time. Inside a massive hall filled with 7,500 convention goers, Chris Evans (aka Captain America) and Anthony Mackie (aka Falcon) introduced the first official teaser trailer for Captain America: Cvil War.

Captain America: Civil War May 6th, 2016Captain America: Civil War May 6th, 2016

Captain America: Civil War takes place directly after the events that took place during the Avengers: Age of Ultron. While leading this new team of Avengers, Captain America and his team run afoul of another international incident with far reaching collateral damage. As the political backlash on the hero team begins to mount, The American Government seeks to install a new 'governing body' to oversee these new 'superheroes'. The heroes begin to take sides, the team splits as Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) leads one team and Captain America leads the second while a new villain appears to take advantage of the infighting.

While Marvel hasn't shared the trailer with the general public yet, Chris Evans and Anthony Mackie gave IGN a great interview on the D23 red carpet that you can watch below.

With a release date of May 6th, 2016, Captain Amerca: Civil War counts as the beginning of the hotly anticipated Marvel Phase 3. This next phase of an integrated Marvel movie strategy will introduce many fantastic new heroes including the much anticipated Doctor Strange (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) and the Black Panther (played by Chadwick Boseman), as well as the next installment of The Guardians of the Galaxy, and Thor: Ragnarok.

Phase 3 looks huge and may take a couple years to complete, what are your thoughts on the new heroes? Are you excited to see a much more diverse movie schedule? We love to read your comments, let us know what you think?

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Thanks so much to Erik H. for this guest post. Erik is a long time Marvel fan and is a regular contributor for us on the Marvel Universe as well as keeping track of the all things Star Wars.

crazycatperson wrote on Thu, 08/20/2015 - 12:06:

crazycatperson's picture

Excited is not a big enough word to describe my anticipation of the next bunch of Marvel Studios movies. Marvel is definitely doing it right.

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