Walt Disney World is one of the most photographed placed on earth, you needn't look further than Instagram to know that's true. But there's a difference between capturing a couple of snapshots and creating a visual story to share. Check out our five tips for vacation storytelling through photography.
Five Photo Tips For Telling Your Disney Vacation Story
1) Make A Memory
Did you know that when you remember something, you are really just remembering the last time you thought about it? That's one of the reasons why capturing your vacation experiences on film seems to help make the trip last and last. Details of a day can disappear easily in our heads, but looking at a photo of it cements the moment in your mind each time you see it. My rule of thumb is that if it is something that I want to remember, I take a picture of it. Be sure to capture everyone who was with you while you travel, and include broad shots that show things like the weather, and time of day. If the smell of the rose garden intoxicates you, capture that on film too, so you can share the story of the experience.
The image below captures my best friends impromptu dance to the music in Harambe Village. It was one of those great moments that was completely unexpected magic.
Dancing By Starlight In Harambe
2) Change Your Perspective And Shoot Again
Take several photographs of a subject each time. Get a broad landscape shot first, then step in closer to capture details. Walt Disney World is all about the details, but of you aren't paying attention they can get lost in the larger landscape. Look around the environment that your subject is in, and capture the small things that go into making a place special, as well as the overall effect it has. This technique helps to create memorable photo collages and photo books that tell a more complete story than you could with just one shot.
The outside of the Disney buildings are nice, but inside is where most of the details can be found. What is the building? Why is it there? What did you do inside? Try and answer questions with your images.
Capture The Details
3) Get Candid
When photographing people in your travel party, don't forget to capture them in some shots where you haven't asked them to pose. Candid shots can be some of the most genuine and honest looks at your travel. Even when going for a broad angle on a picture, have some of the people in your group walk ahead so you can get them in the crowd. This crowd technique creates surprise for your audience when they discover that someone they know is actually in the shot.
I love this shot of my daughter just hanging out with Peter Pan before the Photo Pass photographer arrived. They probably chatted it up for 5 minutes before the actual character meet started.
Just Two Pans Hanging Out
4) Be All Inclusive
Walt Disney World isn't just about what's in the Theme Parks, and your photography shouldn't be either. Take pictures at your resort hotel, the pool, on Disney transportation, in restaurants, and any other place you go. You do more than just pose in front of the Castle while you're on vacation so show off everywhere the fun is at! Get shots of your party finding Hidden Mickeys, waiting for the monorail, riding on boats, checking in, having cocktails, dancing at the street party - the list goes on and on. It all helps to build a better story for you to share.
Another unexpected moment of magic was as simple when my son was given a glow clip of his favorite character from a server. It made the meal all that more memorable. Photos like this are about being personal and capturing your full experience.
Disney Magic Happens All Over The Property
5) Oops!
Everyone loves the "outtakes" from movies, so be sure to capture your most interesting moments as well. Pictures of balloons that floated away, ice cream that hit the ground, weather that didn't co-operate, and kids too short to ride can be engaging and endearing to your audience. You may be on vacation, but come on, it's not all sunshine and rainbows.
The images below tell the tale of my husband and I staying in the hotel drinking wine, while the kids ran through Epcot getting soaked during Tropical Storm Irene.
Getting Soaked During Tropical Storm Irene
Sharing your Walt Disney World vacation memories with others can sometimes be a ho-hum thing for your friends and family back home. However - if you take the time to build a broader story through your images, and capture the real moment, not just the staged ones, you just may find them beginning to understand why you keep returning year after year. The fun and beauty that you capture today may just make for a Disney traveler of the future.
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