Don't have time to sit down for full service, but still want to taste some of Celebrity Chef Art Smith's down home cooking? Then slide on up to the outdoor Shine Bar at Homecoming Florida Kitchen, grab a drink and indulge in a little something to grab-and-go.
When I'm strolling through the Downtown Disney District at the Disneyland Resort you can be sure I'll have a bag of beignets in my hand. There's just something about strolling through the celebratory atmosphere while you munch on perfect little bites of fried dough and sugar that makes the experience extra special. While there's still no Ralph Brennan's in Disney Springs, Homecoming Florida Kitchen is serving up a sweet little surprise that takes the fried dough concept and brings it home.
Buy A Bunch of Doughnuts!
Along with Art's famous Fried Chicken, Catfish, and Chopped Pork - guests stopping buy this Grab & Go window can indulge in a perfect little bag of fresh house-made sugar doughnuts. These little sweeties are the perfect bite to pop in your mouth while you're walking along through the beautiful new Disney Springs. Soft cake with just the right amount of crisp on the fry and dusted with granulated sugar.
Fried Chicken, doughnuts, maybe a little Moon Shine? What's not to like? Be sure to swing by Homecoming Florida Kitchen next time you're in Disney Springs and pick up a bag of doughnuts to try for yourself! Wonder what else is being served up at Homecoming? Check out a full review from our friends over at the Disney Food Blog, we thank them for giving us exclusive use of their images.
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