Just spreading around a little more love for cute Disney Food Artist Donna Yan! Donna's art has not only been featured by Walt Disney World for Grown-ups and the Disney Food Blog this month, but the story was picked up by Nerdist and is turning this fan art phenom into the must buy Disney inspired artist of the day. Since Fall is in the air we thought we'd give you a bit of a seasonal treat by showing off Donna's Halloweetime foodie fun from across the Disney Parks.
Halloweentime Food Art By Donna Yan
Caramel Apples are one of the best treats of the Fall season with juicy fresh apples, and the cutest character "costumes" you can imagine. For this print Donna was especially inspired by Maleficent.
Caramel Apples With Character
This chowder in a bread bowl sports the attire of a Haunted Mansion cast member. If you're planning on stepping into the dead center of the room, you might as well do so on a full stomach.
This Chowder Will Kill Your Hunger
My favorite piece of Halloween art showcases the spooky poison apple souvenir mug, and it's been styled with one crazy bunch of grapes decked out for the Halloween Party.
The Bunch Of Grapes Is Ready To Party
It's worth noting that when you purchase Donna's art from her website, you can add the perfect frame for the piece right at the same time! That saves so much work, and you'll be ready to hang your art just as soon as it arrives. If you know someone who would appreciate the gift of Donna's art in their home, head over right now and make a purchase to help spread the Disney Food love in their home.
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