Limoncello Flight At Maria & Enzo's Ristorante

May 6th is National Beverage Day, and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than talking about the Limoncello Flight at Maria & Enzo's Ristorante in Disney Springs. While you can find great beverages all across the vacation kingdom, this one stands out as an excellent introduction to Italian after-dinner liqueurs.

Maria & Enzo's Daily Flights MenuMaria & Enzo's Daily Flights Menu

Limoncello is traditionally in served in Italy chilled as an after-dinner drink to aid in health and for the digestion of all that was eaten during a meal. At Maria & Enzo's our flight was served neat. None the less, after our meal of rich and delicious foods the Limoncello Flight was the perfect finish. If you though that limoncello was just about the tart and sweet flavors of Lemons, you'd better think again. Maria & Enzo's Limoncello Flight comes with three very different digestive, Caravella Limoncello (lemon), Caravella Orangcello (orange), and Nocello (walnut).

Maria & Enzo's Limoncello FlightMaria & Enzo's Limoncello Flight

Caravella Limoncello is made with "sweet fresh juice and the tart earthy peels of lemons from Italy's Amalfi coast." Flavors can range amongst brands of the drink, but the Caravella family recipe dates back to 1898. The first thing I noticed was the intense transparent chartreuse color that reminded me of neon in the 80's. Thick legs coated the glass upon inspection, and a bright lemon nose wafted up from the glass. I was ready to imbibe in a vivid lemon liquid, only to be surprised by a sweeter more alcohol laden mouthful than I was expecting. Sadly, I have to say that in my tasting notes I wrote down that the finish was very much akin to lemon pledge. Not my favorite brand of limoncello for sure.

Caravella LimoncelloCaravella Limoncello

Next up I tried Caravella Orangecello. Made by soaking the peels of Sicilian oranges with sugar and orange juice in pure grain alcohol, as soon as I lifted the glass to my nose I was hit with memories of enjoying a Dreamsicle on a hot summer day. A fun and fruity twist on the classic drink, Caravella Orangecello adds a brightness to the digestive. I found the orangecello to have a commendable flavor; and a thicker, sweeter texture than the limoncello has. Of the three options in this tasting flight, the Caravella Orangecello is the one I would most like to enjoy on a sunny day in Florida, slowly sipping the sweet liqueur after a grand meal.

Caravella OrangcelloCaravella Orangcello

The last option of the bunch, the Nocello, was my favorite from the Maria & Enzo's Flight. Right off the bat you knew that this was different from the others with its pretty amber color and sweet nutty smell. The legs of this drink was typical of the flight and displayed the sweetness to come. Taking a sip of the Nocello the first thing I noticed was its warmth, and a forward flavor or alcohol. It only took a moment on the tongue before it blossomed into a well-rounded combination of toffee-like flavors with walnut and vanilla notes. My tasting partner and I both agreed that fans of Amaretto or Frangellico will really enjoy the Nocello. I made the comment that it felt like a wintery drink to me and I needed to curl up by a fire.


If you're hoping to try several different brands of Limoncello to discover the variety in flavor it can have, this isn't quite the flight you rare looking for. However, if you are up for three unique Italian after-dinner liqueurs then the Limoncello Flight at Maria & Enzo's Ristorante is the way to go.

What are your favorite Disney beverage flights? Leave a comment below and tell me where to find them!

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