Animal Kingdom is a park where one can really stop and savor the atmosphere and the beautiful animals.
Fish on Pangani Trail
Two places that are great for taking it slow are the Maharajah Jungle Trek and the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail. Both of these trails are self-guided walking tours of exotic animals among lush plants, trees, and waterfalls.
Maharaja Jungle Trek
At Maharajah, think Asia. You'll see Asian tigers, a Komodo dragon, the Malayan Tapir, bats, pheasants, doves, parrots and more.
Wind your way through the jungle to the bat house, where you'll get to watch this little furry, winged creatures chow down on some yummy fruit and veggies.
Bat on Maharaja Jungle Trek
Then head over to the massive, crumbling palace of the former Maharaja, where tigers abound in the beautiful ruins.
Tiger on Maharaja Jungle Trek
Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to savor the decor and themeing as you check out the other animals on this trek!
Hidden Mickey on Maharaja Jungle Trek
Pangani Forest Exploration Trail
Meanwhile, Africa is the theme of Pangani, where you'll discover gorillas, hippos, okapi, naked mole rats, meerkats and exotic birds.
Head over here when it first opens to enjoy some relative quiet in the middle of a massive theme park!
Pangani Forest Exploration Trail
The Animal Rehab Center offers you the chance to chat with some knowledgeable cast members about the many animals they work with at the Animal Kingdom.
Animal Rehab Center on Pangani Trail
Tortoise on Pangani Trail
Move on through the trail into the gorgeous bird sanctuary. Be sure to ask the cast members to explain the Spirit Houses scattered around the sanctuary.
Bird Spotting Guide on Pangani Trail
Round out your visit with a peek at some gorgeous fish, and spend some time watching the beautiful and intelligent gorilla families.
Gorilla Info on Pangani Trail
Our forum members have debated which they like better. Do you prefer one over the other? Leave a comment below!
JeffC wrote on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 17:35:
We tend to like the Pangani trail better - as you mention, it can be sooo relaxing and peaceful at certain times when the park is not so quiet.
worldfanatic wrote on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 18:00:
Love 'em both!
But I'll second Pangani being the best!
JoAnn C wrote on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 01:16:
I enjoyed the walk through Maharaja Jungle Trek last year. I didn't go through Pangani Forest. I will have to try it this year.
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