We've all experienced that moment at Walt Disney World when you walk into a store on property and your eyes light up because you've found "it" - the perfect souvenir. For some it's an ear hat or a photo frame or a coffee mug. If you have kids you know all too well that for them, the perfect souvenir is everything in the store.
But what is a perfect souvenir from Walt Disney World? There are so many wonderful, magical items from which to choose, how do you choose just one or two or five? Here's some ideas on finding something great every time you visit.
Minnie & Mickey in Plush
So many magnets, so little refrigerator space. If you visit WDW every year, collecting magnets is a fun idea. Every year Disney releases their dated items, and there's always a magnet or two in the collection. Pick out your favorite and watch as the doors of your fridge fill up with Disney magnets.
Snow globes
There are so many snow globe designs available from the Disney dated collection to characters to icon images like Cinderella's castle. The Emporium on Main Street at the Magic Kingdom has a good selection of snow globes, as does Mouse Gear in Epcot. And remember, snow globes are not allowed in your carryon bags when you fly! So if you're buying a snow globe, be sure to ask about having your item shipped home from the parks. You don't want to lose your new favorite souvenir to the TSA.
Smow Globes
Vinylmation and Pins
Vinylmations and pins make great souvenirs and they are also hot collector's items. Plus, the pins can be traded with cast members and other guests while you're on vacation. The best place to buy your pins is Disney Pin Traders at Downtown Disney. Even if you aren't a pin fanatic, it's fun to look at all the choices. Vinylmations are another collectible with its own fan base. If you're looking for a hot Vinylmation spot, check out D Street in Downtown Disney.
Trendy Vinylmation
Antenna toppers
These are a fun and silly way to keep the Disney magic going long after you've returned home from vacation. The antenna toppers come in so many varieties and can be found at so many stores on property. The designs range from basic Mickey Mouse ears to a Monorail car to a Mickey ice cream bar to Cinderella's glass slipper. Be sure to look for the seasonal antenna toppers.
And remember, you don't always have to spend money for that perfect souvenir - sometimes the best things are free! When you're at Epcot with the kids, be sure to stop at a Kidcot spot and get a cardboard Duffy that can be stamped at decorated at each World Showcase pavilion.
These are just a few ideas for finding a fun and magical souvenir for your Disney vacation. What's your favorite thing to bring home from the parks or your resort? Let us know in the comments!
Story by Traci C.
Cliff Marsh wrote on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 14:09:
Mouse Ears!
Kevin C. wrote on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 15:04:
I pick up a different coke bottle opener on each trip. They are perfect, small and easy to carry, durable, affordable, and when I use them at home the memories of EPCOT come flying back :-)
Doyouwanna wrote on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 15:44:
we just returned with pins, ears, plush , Antenna topper and a mug! Dont forget penny and quarter pressers in a cool album. We recently saw nice charms that can be added to bracelets in several gift shops and they werent expensive. The grand floridian gift shop had a great selection. We wanted to get a splash mountain frame but forgot!
SpamGoddess wrote on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 21:26:
I collect coffee mugs, so naturally that's what I gravitate toward for my souvenirs! Seriously could have bought 7 of them last time I was there.
PirateGirl wrote on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 22:03:
I usually buy a hoodie, a coffee mug and a watch - love watches.
Lori wrote on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 23:31:
Big fan of beach towels. Always use them instead of regular bath towels. I'm always on the lookout for anything Stitch & Pooh too.
Mrs. Minnie wrote on Wed, 05/01/2013 - 17:53:
We've purchased treats in the past. Now, I know these are a one-time-use kind of deal but it's just so fun eating a little of the magic while watching Disney movies back home. Makes us feel as though we're right back in the Happiest Place on Earth!
Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 11:21:
I agree Mrs Minnie! I always come home with some delicious Disney goodies in my bag too.
KanineKrunchies wrote on Fri, 05/31/2013 - 00:04:
I get mugs and beach towels...I like having things that I actually use, so that I don't have a cluttered shelf.
On my first trip, we bought a Mickey Mouse head ice cube tray.
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Debbie wrote on Sat, 02/15/2014 - 18:23:
I have to get at lease one coffee mug each time, pins and the dated Mickey Mouse. The popcorn buckets are nice also. I'm sure that I have a least 100 of them by now and but I do use them to store things in.
Shannon M wrote on Sat, 02/15/2014 - 19:29:
Every time we go, I get a sketch. They pack flat in your suitcase and are easy to display on a wall. On our trip last week I got a sketch of Carl and Ellie.
ErikaS wrote on Sat, 02/15/2014 - 20:07:
Every trip we pick out a Christmas ornament that signifies
something special about that trip. My husband is a pin collector
and I always look for a new hoodie!
Elaine wrote on Mon, 02/17/2014 - 15:12:
Always a Christmas ornament and a piece of jewelry or scarf.
Mahonedawg wrote on Fri, 06/12/2015 - 13:58:
We have been buying license plates for decades...Always get a dated one and many from parks and resorts as they have opened over the years! They are all hanging on our garage wall and as I pull in, they are great reminders of the wonderful Disney vacations taken with our family! Now that we have grandkids, I'm hoping they start the same tradition for their garages!!
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