Over the past several years, long time Disney fans have noticed a considerable decline in the quality of face characters at Walt Disney World. It was bound to happen with so many different meet and greet opportunities for guests to visit, Disney needed to hire more and more actors to fill those slots. One fantastic actor cannot meet all the guests all the time. However in creating a larger talent pool sometimes is seems like the Characters got watered down.
There Is No One So Burly And Brawny
Every now and again though a real gem shines through and gives guests memorable interactions that prove "the magic" is alive and well. These talented few are the ones that truly make you believe you've left the real world behind and are completely immersed in a world of fantasy and adventure. Take for instance, the not so mild mannered Gaston sensation that's has YouTube blowing up with a series of wildly popular viral videos taken by a variety visitors to the Enchanted Forest.
Gaston has been serenaded by a quintet of talented teens,
He was vehemently informed by a pint size fan of the Beast, just who will be the one marrying Belle.
He bested a challenger in a fantastic in a push-up contest. Notice the challenger is wearing an Ironman competitors shirt.
And now... well you've just got to see this one to believe it. No one gets beat by little girls like Gaston.
We love you Gaston - no one keeps the magic alive like you.
If you're in the Magic Kingdom and want to try to catch Gaston in action, check the Characters tab in your MyDisneyExperience App for appearance times. Sadly I can't promise that this will be the Gaston on duty.
I love watching great character interaction videos. Do you have a favorite face character you would like to send some love to? Leave us a link to their videos in the comments and maybe will feature them in a later post!
Disneymae wrote on Fri, 01/09/2015 - 12:45:
I visited WDW in September last year. I don't think I met this Gaston, but the one I did meet was really good. All the characters were, especially Merida.
I also did the Princess dinner at Akershus. All the princesses were friendly and just as I had hoped and didn't bat an eye at talking to me, even though I was an adult on their own. I was really impressed with the acting.
minkflamingos wrote on Fri, 01/09/2015 - 15:23:
I've never met a subpar Gaston, those guys are FANTASTIC. There are also some spectacular Tianas and Mulans. I've honestly never had a BAD character actor, but certainly some are better than others.
Can I also just say that the script for Enchanted Tales has Belle being waayyyy too prissy and princessy? Come on, Belle is the girl next door, even in her giant yellow cupcake dress, can't she be a little less... Snow White-ish?
crazycatperson wrote on Fri, 01/09/2015 - 18:45:
We met a superb Tiana last September. We've never visited Gaston, but after all these cool videos I'll make a point of it on a future trip.
Kristen K. wrote on Sat, 01/10/2015 - 15:41:
My daughter is on the look out for more videos from fantastic actors. Fingers crossed that we find more to showcase!
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