Relaunching As The Ultimate Fan Resource

With the production of the New Star Wars movie somewhere in the Middle East and Harrison Ford resting in a hospital after his foot injury on set, most of the news we hear on the internet revolves around speculation and conjecture. What will the new plot be? Who is playing whom in the new movie? Are there release dates for new games?

Beyond all the guessing, the good folks at LucasFilms and Disney Interactive have been busy on preparing to launch the next generation of social media and information on everything Star Wars. Enter the all new and updated website. While this has always been the digital go to place for Star Wars fans, will now be the first and last place for any information about every little thing related to the franchise over multiple media platforms. If your an old hat at then you will notice that both access and navigation of the site have been increased to make it easier to find what you might be looking for. This is just a tip of the iceberg as new features will include all the breaking news from every media platform imaginable, articles and videos that will highlight behind the scenes content of just about everything, special 'online' only videos, a listing of events, conventions and local fan-based groups around the world, and the ever expansive Databank which is an encyclopedia of all things Star Wars.

What's even bigger news is that the new website is now optimized for multiple platforms, so whether you like your news on the go or while your relaxing at home, you can use any digital device you own. And because this is part of the greatly increasing Disney network of website, you are already a member of by logging in with your DisneyID and password.

Having a single place to find everything Star Wars is a great idea, but what do you as our readers think? How excited are you for the new Star Wars movie? Are you interested in something else Star Wars related? Let us know.

Thanks so much to Erik H. for this guest post. Erik is a long time Star Wars fan and will be reporting on the Star Wars Universe for us, as well as keeping track of the all things Marvel. Look for more of his articles in the coming months.

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