Vacationing at Walt Disney World is always full of fun finds for me, and my most recent trip would prove to be no different. We were staying at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa, and while wandering around in Artists Palatte before coffee one morning I came across a fun find in the beverage case - Saratoga Spring Water.
Saratoga Natural Spring Water
As a regular bottled water drinker I thought it would be fun to try a taste of such suburb themeing so I picked up a bottle to try. Saratoga Spring Water first began bottling in a little house shore of Geyser Lake in Saratoga Springs, New York in 1872. It was popular with the wealthy Americans and Europeans that came to the area's springs in order to "take the waters." By the 1930's Saratoga Vichy Water had become known around the world, and the brand continued to grow even as other American Spring Water producers began to shut down.
The Saratoga Spring Water available at Disney's resort comes in two types, flat or sparkling. I bought the flat so that I could compare better to what I am most used to drinking. The pretty cobalt blue glass bottle is elegant and befitting what is considered to be one of America's premium spring waters. The taste was clean and light, without any noticeable mineral characteristics. It would be excellent for chefs tasting meals when you want to clear your palate but not have any residual flavor.
At $3.00 for a 12oz bottle I wouldn't make this a regular purchase, however I really enjoyed getting a fun taste of the historic Saratoga Springs, NY while staying at Disney's Version.
Would you "take the waters" at this Disney resort? Leave a comment and let us know!
alicemouse wrote on Fri, 03/06/2015 - 14:21:
How fun! Can't wait to check in out the next time I'm at SSR :)
ThatMouse wrote on Fri, 03/06/2015 - 15:32:
Cool! I've never stayed at Saratoga, because if it's not one of the EPCOT resorts, AKL/WL is the next obvious choice. By the way, we should all be trying to use more reusable containers instead of plastic one time use bottles. It's harder to do on vacation / carrying around a bottle all day.
Trisha Johnson wrote on Fri, 03/06/2015 - 22:28:
OMG! Grew up drinking Saratoga Vichy Water and I don't remember it being clean and light with no real mineral taste. the Vichy Water I drank smelled of sulfur and was considered a digestive aide. Definitely and acquired taste. But I guess patrons at Dinsey would not appreciate being fed "stinky water" LOL
Kristen K. wrote on Mon, 03/09/2015 - 21:00:
LOL Trisha! This maybe this had been filtered? It certainly wasn't stinky.
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