Epcot's all a buzz for the re-opening of the brand new Test Track Presented by Chevrolet. The pavilion opened originally with the park, in 1982, as GM's 'World of Motion' and then was redesigned as the thrilling 'GM Test Track' in 1998. Today, after months of closure (renovations began back in April) this Future World staple is back with a fresh coat of paint and a brand new sponsor.
Test Track by Chevrolet
In this new version of the ride not only has the queue gotten a new look, but the ride experience has been enhanced with interactive elements. Imagineer Melissa Jeselnick shared earlier this year that
Guests will be able to design their own Test Track vehicle in the pre-ride experience. A guest's design, which will be "scored in such areas as Capability, Efficiency, Responsiveness and Speed," will follow them to the ride itself where they can experience it in action. After the ride is completed, guests will be able to compare how their design and concept fared against other guests.
Guests Will Design Their Own Vehicle
In addition to the attraction getting a facelift, the Cast Members get some new duds to wear! Costume designers worked in collaboration with Chevrolet to create pieces that reflect style and technical innovation. New attraction elements will be reflected in the colors of the costume, while the silver/gray base was chosen to reflect one of the many colors of Chevrolet automobiles.
New Cast Member Costumes
New Attraction Details
Are you excited to experience what Chevrolet has to offer? Have you been waiting for this attraction to reopen? Share your thoughts with us below!
Barbara wrote on Thu, 12/06/2012 - 21:40:
WOW! Can't wait to try it out!!
Reilee wrote on Wed, 11/06/2013 - 20:17:
I finally got to ride and explore the new Test Track this past week. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed. The waiting area was all about shoving the Chevrolet brand down your throat. "Look at how futuristic we are!" And in the end the ride didn't change much at all. Instead of the practical "tests" that were done in the previous version, the new tests offered no variation. "Now testing efficiency" - Accelerate over 30 feet and stop. Turn. "Now testing aerodynamics" Accelerate 30 feet. Stop. It just felt lacking. The environment was lacking, that is. Of course the outside track hitting 65mph was still fun, but that's default.
Gena wrote on Mon, 02/10/2014 - 19:30:
We were just there last month and the ride was awesome! We had not been since 2000 so was glad to see the ride was open and had been updated. It was faster and the 65 mph turn was awesome! It was great to see all the cars at the end. It is sponsored by Chevrolet!
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