Tomorrowland Refurbishment Brings A Bright New Color Scheme

Unlike most of the Lands in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom, Tomorrowland is always fighting against time to stay current and ahead of it all in this modern age. This has lead to a bit of personality disorder as the overall themeing and attractions seem to get switched up more than anyplace else. Apparently it's about that time again, and Tomorrowland is getting a facelift.

Tomorrowland EntranceTomorrowland Entrance

The changes began at the Tommorwland Transit Authority PeopleMover, then swung over to Carousel of Progress and currently the giant rockwork at the entrance from the Hub is slowly, progressively being painted.

Multi-Color Carousel of ProgressMulti-Color Carousel of Progress
Peoplemover With Red AccentsPeoplemover With Red Accents

The new color scheme is a subtle change, but very bright and optimistic, with the metallic of the rock formations lend a slightly futuristic feeling. I hope that we will continue to see spread further into Tomorrowland giving the land an overall pick-me-up. If we're lucky, there may be a new attraction or two on the horizon as well. There have been a couple of rumors swirling the net.

Rock Work In ProgressRock Work In Progress

What are your feelings about the new look? Leave a comment and let me know!

Carmen wrote on Fri, 10/21/2016 - 23:28:

Carmen's picture

Yes, one of the most difficult themes to have at a park is one depicting the future. Unfortunately, one of either two things will happen. Number one: your predictions will become false as events take turns other than anticipated. And two: as time moves on, what was once the future is now the past. Case in point, the Carousel of Progress, as the final section is now quite dated. Hopefully this will soon be remedied along with the other changes.

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