Anne Savage


Disney To Sponsor Turtles in Marathon

Guests at Disney's Vero Beach Resort, a Disney property some two hours from Walt Disney World, will be cheering on two loggerhead sea turtles in the Turtles Migration Marathon. On July 28, Peach and Pearl will make a return to the Atlantic Ocean and join twelve other turtles in the annual "Tours de Turtles: A Sea Migration Marathon."

Animal Kingdom Biologist Nominated for Conservation Award

Anne Savage, Ph.D., a senior conservation biologist with Disney's Animal Kingdom, has been nominated for the Indianapolis Prize, the world's leading award for animal conservation.

The prize comes about every two years and is awarded to one who has spent a lifetime saving endangered species. Currently, there are twenty-nine nominees, and in the spring of 2012, the Prize nominating committee will choose six finalists from that group. From those six, a jury will decide the winner. Look for that decision come mid-2012.