

Disney Makes Changes To Appearance Codes For Employees

Recently, Disney announced some changes in their policies affecting appearances of their employees. First, for the first time in sixty years, Disney will allow male workers in both Walt Disney World and Disneyland parks to grow beards or goatees. Next, the company will allow employees to partake in casual Friday.

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More Grown Up Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party Costumes [Facebook Fans]

The gaggle of spooks and ghouls over at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party Facebook Fan Page has been chatting it up about what they wear to this year's special events. Here are some more ideas for adult Halloween costumes with some Disney style.

Dressing for Vacation Photography

There are several schools of thought when it comes to dressing for a Walt Disney World vacation. Some folks just want the most comfortable options available while, for others, dressing up is part of vacation.