Magical Express Bus:
Magical Express Bus:
This is so sad My prayers are with everyone involved.
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for reporting in with news.
Here is more info.
It's very sad.
Horrible .....
Those Busses will mess up a car quick. about 3 trips ago Angels and I were on a bus that hit a taxi cutting through the bus unloading area at the airport. Our bus wasn't even going that fast maybe 5mph but the taxi was totaled. They might be from Mickey Mouse but the laws of gross tonnage still apply I see people driving past large vehicles all the time never thinking about what the driver has to do to stop all that weight in an emergency. I looked at the ladys car and I think the bus driver got allot of speed scrubbed off before he hit her.
I think Disney is taking measures to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again. Not sure what they are doing but I heard something about reflective stuff.
So so sad!
From what I understand the car stopped and the bus was not able to. I don't think reflective tape would do much in that instance. I've chosen not to cover this on the main page, if anyone wants more information, please read the story MrHub posted. The pictures of the car afterwards are absolutely heartbreaking and it just didn't feel right to post something there when it was already being discussed here.
the laws of gross tonnage still apply
I think this must be something they drill into our heads in the Navy because I say that to people often and very few seem to get it. Sure they'll nod their heads and act like they do - but then go pull in front of a semi on the expressway.
That was approximately 20 tons running into a stationary object, it doesn't have a good outcome. I agree Kristen, no amount of reflective anything will stop something like this from happening. Its and unfortunate side effect of driving, accidents happen. More then likely, there was a vehicle in front of the bus blocking his view and when the vehicle move to get around the disabled or stopped vehicle , there it was right in front of the bus.
There will a lawsuit and it will fall on Disney because they have the deep pockets. Too sad.