17 Summer nights TR Complete

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jtownpluto's picture
Joined: 12/29/2013
Posts: 337

Love the glowing girls picture! Thanks for the great updates.

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

I feel like you just got there. How can you be on day 13??? Great pics and report. I think I may try to FP Wishes for one of our upcoming trips. Smile


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
Posts: 771

Great pic of your girls! Have REALLY loved following along on your trip - thanks for sharing with us!


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Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Have a great time at BCV!

fmknightuk's picture
Joined: 08/23/2012
Posts: 259

Day 15

So today we woke up feeling sad that we were leaving WL sad We packed up and had breakfast at WCC. We spent some time just wandering around the resort, particularly the lobby, taking photos. Then we got on the bus to Epcot. The weather matched our mood. It was torrential rain which lasted 2 or 3 hours. Thankfully we had FPs for our last rides on SE and Soarin. We also rode LWTL and had lunch at Sunshine Seasons, so although we did have to wade through some deep puddles to get to the Land pavilion, we managed to avoid quite a bit of the rain. By the time we came out it was just sprinkling a bit and we headed to Mexico then carried on round the WS till we arrived at International Gateway. We checked in at BCV then had dinner at B&C. Several families ordered the Kitchen Sink whilst we were there. It was fun to watch them bring it out but no way could we have tackled that!

Once our luggage was safely delivered to our room and I had unpacked a few essentials, we took a stroll around Boardwalk. We found a photobooth and discovered that it was linked to photopass/memory maker, so we could take some photos and have them uploaded to photopass for no charge awesome

We found an empty swing seat on the beach and sat on it admiring the view for a while before returning to our room for our first night at BCV.

Highlight - Seeing the famous Kitchen Sink in real life
Thoughts - I think we all left our hearts at WL

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The Watchmaker's picture
Joined: 07/08/2014
Posts: 1802

Great report..Ah..Memories are flooding back seeing that photo of WL lobby..Last year was our first stay there and we fell in love with it..Now we have 14 nights to look forward to next year...Anyway, enough of my dreaming..Yes, your report is full of magical memories.. clapping

Joined: 06/02/2015
Posts: 462

I am loving this report. You all look like you are having so....much fun. I agree WL is my favorite Disney Resort, at least that I have stayed at so far. I am hoping that myself and my fiance can stay their during out honeymoon next year.

BCV is nice though and I love the Boardwalk and the location to Epcot, you can also walk to HS from there as well. Definitely looking forward to hearing more and seeing more pictures!


fmknightuk's picture
Joined: 08/23/2012
Posts: 259

Ok, we're back in the UK so no longer a live trip report but I'll update on what we did in the last couple of days. So onto...

Day 16

We spent some time at SAB this morning. We had fun on the lazy river - getting in and out of the inflatable rings was quite a challenge! We bought ice creams at B&C muchlove The girls favourite flavour was 'birthday cake' and I liked the butter pecan.

Late afternoon, we caught the boat to HS. We had one last ride on TSM, saw the frozen singalong again and watched BATB whilst it poured down outside. After a quick dinner, we went to find seats for Fantasmic. This was probably the coolest weather we had encountered and we were glad we had brought sweaters with us towards the end of the evening. The only time I've seen Fantasmic before was at Disneyland Anaheim many years ago so this was the first time for all of us at WDW. Of course, we all loved it, it's a spectacular show that incorporates so many different forms of entertainment. Disney at it's best.

Highlights - Fantasmic
Thoughts - SAB is huge, I think we prefer the smaller simpler pools Smile

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Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
Posts: 771

mickey Thanks for "bringing us along" on your trip - it was great fun! Birthday Cake ice cream is my favorite flavor, too! mickey


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fmknightuk's picture
Joined: 08/23/2012
Posts: 259

Day 17

As today was our last full day we had to make the most of it so were down at the bus stop by 8:00am. MK bus arrived shortly after and it was almost full when it was arrived. We just about squeezed on, but some people had to wait for the next bus. Honestly it was the busiest I had seen a bus during our entire trip. We arrived at MK in plenty of time to be front and centre for the welcome show clapping

We didn't rush anywhere this morning. Instead we just tried to take it all in. I can't remember the exact order of things we did but we rode PPF, Pooh, Mad Tea Party, Dumbo, Under the Sea, PCRCarrousel, Philharmagic, Small World, TTA, Buzz, Magic Carpets, Swiss Family Treehouse. We had a M&G with Peter Pan, a photopass photo taken of the girls trying to remove the sword, We saw the Cinderella Mural and I touched the slipper awesome We watched some of the Dream Along With Mickey. I had a dole whip float and girls had pineapple spear from Aloha Isle and we had lunch at Caseys Corner. It was eventually time to say a sad goodbye to MK as we were finishing the day at Epcot. We slowly walked down Main Street and had 1 last photopass photo taken in front of the castle. Then the photographer asked if we'd had the 'balloon' magic shot yet, which I was thrilled about as I had really wanted the balloon photo yay

After walking out for the final time, we caught the monorail to Epcot. The plan was to go straight to WS to tour some more of the pavilions, however as we walked past SE we saw the standby line was only 5mins, so we rode it 1 last time. Then we stopped of at Club Cool so Lucy could have a cup of Bibo from South Africa and I could have some Fanta Melon Frosty from Thailand.

We had an adr for dinner at Via Napoli so we decided to take the friendship boat across then called in at Mitsukoshi where the girls tried on some traditional Japanese clothing. We also called in at The American Adventure to see Voices of Liberty, which was on my must do list.

After sharing a pizza at Via Napoli, we walked slowly back to BCV to relax in our room and pack sad The plan was we were going to go and watch Illuminations to end the evening, however it was pouring with rain again and thundering and lightening so we made a joint decision that we were all too tired tonight to get soaked watching fireworks and there is always next time.....

Highlight - There were many highlights for me today - watching the welcome show, touching the slipper, having the balloon photo taken and seeing Voices of Liberty
Thoughts - MK is my favourite park
Autograph count = 32

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JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

So sorry your trip has come to an end. Sounds like you had an amazing time! Love the pictures and the stories!

And yes, there is ALWAYS next time! yay awesome


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

Thanks for sharing your trip with us! I'm so happy you had a great time mickey

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

What a great trip.


jtownpluto's picture
Joined: 12/29/2013
Posts: 337

Thanks for sharing, your report was great. Glad you and your girls had fun. mickey

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

Thanks for sharing! awesome

fmknightuk's picture
Joined: 08/23/2012
Posts: 259

Day 18 - Departure Day

We finished the packing and had bell services collect it to hold it for us as we were booked on the 2:05pm ME. We wandered around to WS for 11am. This is a great time to tour WS! We had M&Gs with Belle and Mulan with very short waits and we did some last minute gift shopping and also called into Karamel Kuche in Germany to buy some Werthers toffees for our flight. It was quickly time to return to BCV as we wanted to get one last ice cream from B&C awesome

We made it to the ME stop with plenty of time to spare and I rearranged our hand luggage as one case was over the 10KG limit. As it turned out, I needn't have worried as they never weighed our hand luggage, although they did when we were flying from London. We had a late lunch at BK then went to our gate at the correct time only to find out that the plane had only just recently arrived in so the clean-up crew was still waiting to get on to prepare for the flight home. It was a quick turnaround but we were prob about 40mins late departing.

We sat upstairs which we loved and would book seats up there again. We all got a little sleep before being served breakfast at about 2am Orlando time! About an hour before we were due to land, our plane was struck by lightening which was an interesting experience. The captain announced that all was ok and we landed about an hour later to be met at the arrivals gate by a good friend who had offered to pick us up. Our holiday was over sad but at least we have lots of happy memories and photos to look back on biggrin

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JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

What a wonderful trip! Thank you so much for taking us along! Oh and the lightning on the plane thing... would have sent me over the edge laugh

ps - LOVE the balloon pic!


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

The Colonel's picture
Joined: 11/08/2012
Posts: 2943

great report- thanks


See my Disney Photography at...

DVC owner since 2002 BCV/BWV/BLT/VGC

fmknightuk's picture
Joined: 08/23/2012
Posts: 259

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments on my TR. I enjoyed writing it and now have something to look back on to remember some of the details of our trip. I was pleased with how the trip went. It wasn't perfect the whole time, things did go wrong like losing the camera and my eldest suffering from back ache some of the time, but we didn't let these things ruin the whole trip. Despite being there for 2 1/2 weeks, we still didn't manage to see everything I had wanted to see. I completely forgot about checking out the windows on Main Street and I had wanted to visit TSI as well.

I think I have raised 2 dds to become Life long WDW fans laugh Georgia said that when she grows up she doesn't want to dance in England (she is a dancer), she wants to dance in DisneyWorld awesome They both want to go back someday and understand it may take some time to save up but when we do they want it to be just the 3 of us again muchlove

I am going to aim for a return trip in 3 years time, but like everything in life it will depend on finances. So until then I will be coming here to the forums, reading blogs and watching vlogs on you tube awesome

Looking forward to reading other TRs in the near future mickey



disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

What a delightful TR! Thank you so much for sharing this. muchlove


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Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

What a great trip. Thanks so much for taking us along. You have a beautiful family!


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Sweet trip report fmknightuk! awesome

Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 1905

Loved your trip report/ Your girls are adorable.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Your plane was struck by lightening?! eek eek eek eek Great trip report, I adored following along with you and your girls. Thanks for sharing your trip with us! muchlove

NikkiMouse's picture
Joined: 02/19/2015
Posts: 526

Loved everything about your trip report! I love looking at everyone's trips while I am waiting to go on mine. Thanks for helping me pass the time!


Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
Posts: 771

Lightning?!?! YIKES! Wonderful report and pics - thanks for sharing! mickey


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lolastardust's picture
Joined: 04/07/2013
Posts: 375

Just getting caught up on this report, but really, it's fantastic. Looked like a really great trip for all three of you, and the photos are great. I hope you all get to go back soon!

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

Love your trip report! And so glad you had a good holiday. Here's to three years from now!