5 Least Favorite Things - Epcot

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5 Least Favorite Things - Epcot

Picking up where I left off...what are your 5 least favorite things (rides, attractions, shows or anything else) at/about Epcot?

Mine in no particular order:
1. Innoventions - I remember when it used to be really fun
2. Mission Space
3. Food and Wine Festival (Do not throw rocks and eggs!! Just not my thing. I don't drink and I'm not an adventurous foodie and I hate the crowds laugh laugh )
4. Club Cool - I hate sticky floors....
5. Turtle Talk


JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
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1. How short the Voices of Liberty sets are, I would love it to be another 5 min at least!
2. Mission Space I can handle the green mission but makes me kinda sick just thinking about it
3. Festival Crowds (I love the festivals, hate the crowds) OK OK OK it's the drunk locals on the weekend that I hate.
4. Frozen ride. Was really hoping for a little more from it
5. Soarin from anywhere except the middle section. It really irritates me that someone HAD to have sat on the ends when testing it and thought "Nah, it's good no one will notice."


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

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Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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1. The lack of buttertarts in the Canadian pavilion.
2. The rotten egg smell near Mousegear
3. Festival crowds
4. Bubble tea at the china pavilion
5. journey in to imagination

Joined: 10/29/2009
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1. Food & Wine Festival (just not my thing, we can get almost any the foods served there within 20 miles of our house. Then you have the whole stand in line to order and pay, stand in line to get your food, stand and eat your food, or worse yet, walk and eat your food. Move to next stand repeat.)
2-5 most of World Showcase (Again it is just not for me. I enjoyed it the first time or two we did it but to me, it is mostly a once a done.)

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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1. Mission Space - nope nope nope
2. Innoventions - when are they going to do something with this space?!
3. Festival Center - this whole space is so under utilized! Bring back Body Wars! laugh
4. Journey Into Imagination - I will ride it, but it just makes me really sad. NOT a good ride
5. Club Cool - it's always so gross in there and I don't really enjoy any of the flavors. It also seems weird to me that it's in Future World instead of somewhere in the World Showcase. It's a cool idea, I'm just not a fan.

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
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Spook wrote:
1. The lack of buttertarts in the Canadian pavilion.
2. The rotten egg smell near Mousegear
3. Festival crowds
4. Bubble tea at the china pavilion
5. journey in to imagination

Speaking of #2 totally off subject but smell reminded me... Am I the only one that thinks the Monorail smells like pee all the time???

And I've never noticed the smell near Mousegear??? Front Back? Where...


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Oh let's see....

1. Nemo & Friends. The ride part I enjoy enough I guess, but I really miss the working and educational aspects of SeaBase Alpha.

2. IllumiNations. Just not a fan. I have always found it to be pretty boring compared to other night shows.

3. Festival Crowds. I don't want to have to fight to move 5-10 feet through a space.

4. The revamped Italian Margarita in Italy, it used to be made with Limoncello and grappa and it was my favorite. Now it has tequila in it and I can't drink it because tequila makes me sick. For what it's worth I hate that so many of the cocktails in Epcot are focused around tequila. More creativity in cocktails please!

5. The queue in Soarin'. It's a free for all and I hate it.

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

JMed wrote:
Spook wrote:
1. The lack of buttertarts in the Canadian pavilion.
2. The rotten egg smell near Mousegear
3. Festival crowds
4. Bubble tea at the china pavilion
5. journey in to imagination

Speaking of #2 totally off subject but smell reminded me... Am I the only one that thinks the Monorail smells like pee all the time???

And I've never noticed the smell near Mousegear??? Front Back? Where...

We always smell it outside just before going in. The last couple trips we've smelled it walking by the character spot too. It's a rotten egg/ sulpher smell.

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
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Spook wrote:
JMed wrote:
Spook wrote:
1. The lack of buttertarts in the Canadian pavilion.
2. The rotten egg smell near Mousegear
3. Festival crowds
4. Bubble tea at the china pavilion
5. journey in to imagination

Speaking of #2 totally off subject but smell reminded me... Am I the only one that thinks the Monorail smells like pee all the time???

And I've never noticed the smell near Mousegear??? Front Back? Where...

We always smell it outside just before going in. The last couple trips we've smelled it walking by the character spot too. It's a rotten egg/ sulpher smell.

We also notice the smell on every trip.

1) Food & Wine - just not into it, although I will try a few items. I prefer the Flower & Garden Festival and I wish the F&W didn't start so early so we could have our low crowds back at the beginning of September.

2) The line at Soarin'. It always seems to take forever even with a FP.

3) going thru security twice when traveling via monorail

4) lack of a decent Canadian show since Off-Kilter - we have so many great Canadian artists that Disney could do so much better there

5) the wait time for Spaceship Earth since the FP system rolled out - it used to be a walk-on all the time

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

JanJ wrote:
Spook wrote:
JMed wrote:
Spook wrote:
1. The lack of buttertarts in the Canadian pavilion.
2. The rotten egg smell near Mousegear
3. Festival crowds
4. Bubble tea at the china pavilion
5. journey in to imagination

Speaking of #2 totally off subject but smell reminded me... Am I the only one that thinks the Monorail smells like pee all the time???

And I've never noticed the smell near Mousegear??? Front Back? Where...

We always smell it outside just before going in. The last couple trips we've smelled it walking by the character spot too. It's a rotten egg/ sulpher smell.

We also notice the smell on every trip.

1) Food & Wine - just not into it, although I will try a few items. I prefer the Flower & Garden Festival and I wish the F&W didn't start so early so we could have our low crowds back at the beginning of September.

2) The line at Soarin'. It always seems to take forever even with a FP.

3) going thru security twice when traveling via monorail

4) lack of a decent Canadian show since Off-Kilter - we have so many great Canadian artists that Disney could do so much better there

5) the wait time for Spaceship Earth since the FP system rolled out - it used to be a walk-on all the time

Ohhhh yes, number 4!!! I feel like it is a rotating door over there. I wish I could remember the name of the group that was there a while back, they had a female lead and I thought they were awesome. I think I have a pic of it somewhere. The next time I went back, it was a different group and I didn't even see anyone there the last time I passed by.


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

Jennifer Huotari | Create Your Badge

The Huotari's Disney Adventures | Promote Your Page Too

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

JanJ wrote:
Spook wrote:
JMed wrote:
Spook wrote:
1. The lack of buttertarts in the Canadian pavilion.
2. The rotten egg smell near Mousegear
3. Festival crowds
4. Bubble tea at the china pavilion
5. journey in to imagination

Speaking of #2 totally off subject but smell reminded me... Am I the only one that thinks the Monorail smells like pee all the time???

And I've never noticed the smell near Mousegear??? Front Back? Where...

We always smell it outside just before going in. The last couple trips we've smelled it walking by the character spot too. It's a rotten egg/ sulpher smell.

We also notice the smell on every trip.

1) Food & Wine - just not into it, although I will try a few items. I prefer the Flower & Garden Festival and I wish the F&W didn't start so early so we could have our low crowds back at the beginning of September.

2) The line at Soarin'. It always seems to take forever even with a FP.

3) going thru security twice when traveling via monorail

4) lack of a decent Canadian show since Off-Kilter - we have so many great Canadian artists that Disney could do so much better there

5) the wait time for Spaceship Earth since the FP system rolled out - it used to be a walk-on all the time

TOTALLY agree with #3 and #5!!!

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

JanJ wrote:
Spook wrote:
JMed wrote:
Spook wrote:
1. The lack of buttertarts in the Canadian pavilion.
2. The rotten egg smell near Mousegear
3. Festival crowds
4. Bubble tea at the china pavilion
5. journey in to imagination

Speaking of #2 totally off subject but smell reminded me... Am I the only one that thinks the Monorail smells like pee all the time???

And I've never noticed the smell near Mousegear??? Front Back? Where...

We always smell it outside just before going in. The last couple trips we've smelled it walking by the character spot too. It's a rotten egg/ sulpher smell.

We also notice the smell on every trip.

1) Food & Wine - just not into it, although I will try a few items. I prefer the Flower & Garden Festival and I wish the F&W didn't start so early so we could have our low crowds back at the beginning of September.

2) The line at Soarin'. It always seems to take forever even with a FP.

3) going thru security twice when traveling via monorail

4) lack of a decent Canadian show since Off-Kilter - we have so many great Canadian artists that Disney could do so much better there

5) the wait time for Spaceship Earth since the FP system rolled out - it used to be a walk-on all the time

Regarding #4, I wish they'd do something similar to the British Invasion and have a band perform songs from Canadian bands

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Spook wrote:

Regarding #4, I wish they'd do something similar to the British Invasion and have a band perform songs from Canadian bands

LOL... I might spend my whole trip there if they got someone to cover Michael Buble'