Hi all -
First off, I know I'm being a wuss and that people deal with worse injuries every day, but I'm in slight panic mode here. Yesterday while at obstacle course practice (we do a lot of mud runs, things like Tough Mudder, etc) I jumped over a hurdle and heard a "pop" and down I went. Long story short, I've torn something in my knee which will most likely require surgery (will know more hopefully tomorrow when the actual orthopedics's office can get me in). After the initial swearing and crying passed, my first thought was not all the races I have upcoming that I may not be able to run, but that I will probably NOT be recovered by the time I go to Disney!!
I'm 3.5 weeks away from Disney. Worst case scenario, I have to have surgery before the trip and/or still cannot walk for the trip. Does Disney rent wheelchairs or (even better) motorized scooters of some sort? Is there a service nearby where you can rent one? Any other tips for getting around Disney on only one foot? I refuse to let this dampen my Disney excitement, I just need to figure out my plan B!!