So today I made the final payment on our Thanksgiving trip...we're down to 48 days!...woohoo!! I made all of our ADRs and our flights are booked and paid for...and the flight information duly sent over for the Magical Express. I must say that I am super excited but a little nervous about taking our son with us for the first time. Since we have been married, my DH and I have gone to WDW by ourselves twice, and are thrilled to be taking our little man but kind of nervous as to how our then 21-month-old will react to the whole experience. He's more often than not a happy child so we're hoping he has a great time. I can't wait to get my "Mickey Mail" (which I hope is soon) so I can prepare my dining pre-trip I think we aren't going to be the only ones from the forum there on 11/16-11/24 so if anyone is going let me know and we can meet up!