As many of you know I've had a nasty stress fracture in my leg. I went to Disney Late August in a wheel chair. Well yesturday I went in for my 10 week follow up on my leg. I'd been told 5 weeks earlier if they didnt see significant improvement this time I'd be going in for surgery. I proactively requested at that time to be put onto bone stim. Good news is we have improvement! No surgery, and I came off of crutches yesturday! It is still a lot slower than they'd like but it is healing so no need to do a slice and dice. I have 6 more weeks of stim, 2 more weeks in the space boot, and I will start transitioning towards running in a month! YAY!!!!
Member of the ANRF Running Team. As a warrior of arthritis I encourage you to help us end this disease: