I bought the Mickey ice cube trays and had visions of cute little Mickey Mouse shaped ice....and I hate the tray!
I also have bought too many cookie jars.
I bought the Mickey ice cube trays and had visions of cute little Mickey Mouse shaped ice....and I hate the tray!
I also have bought too many cookie jars.
I bought this plastic pitcher that I use for iced tea, every day. And I go through about a pitcher a day. Without fail, every time you pour the first glass after you've just made a full pitcher, it runs down the spout and spills. Every. Time.
And usually it lands on my sock. And I have this weird OCD that if any part of my sock gets wet, no matter how small the drop, I have to change socks. And I make a mess on the kitchen floor.
I hate that ^%&)* thing except for the Mickey ears on it! Grrrrrr!
We also have that ice cube tray that we used maybe twice before we decided we hated it!
Ive been trying to think of something, but cant think of anything. Maybe Jess can come up with something, but I think everything ive gotten from there I have enjoyed and not regretted... I could be wrong, but no regrets here.
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The only regret I can think of is that creme puff from French Bakery after a full day of eating. I mean it was delicious, but UGGH...too much for my tummy that night!...had to go lay down and watch Illuminations next time...shoulda walked on by!
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Oh, speaking of food, that cheese-filled pretzel from a stand at MK by Cosmic Ray's. The only Disney food I ever actually tossed in the trash.
I bought a visor one time because I forgot my hat.. and I wore it that one time. and only that one time.
I regret that.
At one of the plaza hotels, many moons ago (on a church youth trip) I bought a blouse that turned out to be the ugliest piece of clothing, ever. Not Mickey's fault. I think I envisioned looking like somebody out of a cool 80s video. Fail.
Kinda like this?
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[url='http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/pick-mases-dinner-disney']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]
Nope, I just regret HOW MUCH I spent... First visit I easily spent over 1,000 dollars in merch. Yikes. I didn't think I would ever get the chance to go back but I've been back twice since that. Haven't ever gone that crazy again lol.
I bought a black t-shirt with silver glitter image of MK castle on it.
After the first washing the glitter hasn't stopped falling off. I wear it and have to shower afterwards from all the glitter so it hardly ever comes out of the drawer. (wear it's folded inside out to keep the glitter off everything else).
Wishin' I was at WDW!
Haha Mase - that's hysterical!
I guess the only thing I could think of was a white hoodie zip up sweatshirt. I never wear it because it's white and "I don't want it to get dirty". I should never buy white things. Ever.
Oh, and it was my mom's purchase one year, but YES, those mickey ice cube trays suck.
Kinda like this?
bahahahahahahah! WAIT! - How did you get my picture??
Mase wrote:Kinda like this?
bahahahahahahah! WAIT! - How did you get my picture??
- 2013 Trip Report!
- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
[url='http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/pick-mases-dinner-disney']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]
The only regret I can think of is that creme puff from French Bakery after a full day of eating. I mean it was delicious, but UGGH...too much for my tummy that night!...had to go lay down and watch Illuminations next time...shoulda walked on by!
We call this "Disney Belly"
May 2008 CSR