Back from the World

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Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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Back from the World

Hey everyone WER'E BACK.. Got back late last night and spent today getting caught up on matters at home, like unpacking, paying bills,etc. Will get to writing all about it very soon including a GREAT meeting with Mrhub and scrappy!!! Fantastic and wonderful people, as were their guests. awesome

PS I have never posted pictures and I am not sure I know how, but I will try that too, stand by to help the clueless laugh


cdub's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3220

Welcome back!

Glad everything went well. Can't wait to see pics and hear tales!

admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
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Vettelover! So glad to have you back! I'm looking forward to all of your stories and tales. If you need any help posting pictures, just PM me or Brad and we'll talk you through it. One of the easiest ways is to upload your photos to a hosting site, like ImageShack or PhotoBucket, and using the links you get there to post photos here on the site. But there are other ways as well. We can talk you through it!

MrHub's picture
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Hey Vettelover! Glad to hear you made it back safe and sound. We got to stay an extra day! Hurray! yay .
Our meetup was great! Hope you & your DW enjoyed it and the cruise as much as we did. We laughed about Colleen and the boat incident all night!

SoloFriendly's picture
Joined: 08/18/2008
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Welcome back!



dsoup's picture
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Vettelover wrote:
Hey everyone WER'E BACK.. Got back late last night and spent today getting caught up on matters at home, like unpacking, paying bills,etc. Will get to writing all about it very soon including a GREAT meeting with Mrhub and scrappy!!! Fantastic and wonderful people, as were their guests. awesome

PS I have never posted pictures and I am not sure I know how, but I will try that too, stand by to help the clueless laugh

I'll try to help, it can be the blind leading the blind!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Thanks for the offer dsoup heaven knows I will need help. I just got done downloading the pics from my camera to my comp.and I am NOT particularly fond nor proud on the resulting photos. I bought a new expensive camera for my trip and a lot of them are either slightly blurry or too dark, I am sure it is the operator and not the camera. It's a dslr and has MANY more controls and settings than my old point & shoot. Admin also made the same help offer so amongst all of you I should be good to go.. Thanks all !!
It was my DW and I most memorable trip, thanks in part to the meeting with mrhub and scrappy and the behind the scenes tour which covered over 7 hours and all four parks and beyond. There is much more coming!!!


dsoup's picture
Joined: 07/11/2008
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Can't wait!

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
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Looking forward to the behind the scenes tour trip report, Vettelover.

By the way, great pens that you got for MrHub and Scrappy! What a kind gesture!


May 2008 CSR mickey

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Welcome back VettleLover!

Glad to hear you made it okay and brought us pictures!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

OK we can't put it off any longer, Vettelover has tied me to the chair and is making me (his DW) type the report!! We were up at 2:30 am on 1/16 as limo was picking us up at 3:45. Driver called to say he was 3 minutes away, so we went outside to wait, 30 minutes later he showed up, he had gotten lost and drove around for 1/2 hr before he found us. HMMMM men don't need no stinken directions or maps!! waiting Can anyone relate?

Normally, we wouldn't report about the airport/security, but after the Christmas Day attempt, we were pleasantly surprised that (Logan) had extra security. While waiting to board our flight, we observed about 6 people w/HOMELAND SECURITY on their uniforms and a mobile scanner randomly asking people about to board flights to submit to another search. Also, there were a couple of BOMB ASSESSMENT SQUAD (so stated on their uniform jackets)members standing there observing travelers. The flight was a little bumpy, in fact the fasten seat belt light was on for ALL but 15 minutes of the 3 hr flight, making it a little difficult for people to try to use the bathrooms. Arrived safely in Orlando around 10:30 and were whisked away by Magical Express (literally 5 minutes from landing) and had the VIP seats behind the driver. Arrived at AKL/JAMBO HOUSE to find our studio was ready! VL had requested a savannah view, WOW! Walked into our room to a SPECTACULAR VIEW OF THE SUNSET SAVANNAH!! Immediately saw giraffe, zebras, maribou stork, an eland and roan antelope as soon as we set foot thru the door, ROOM 5203 if anyone is interested, 2 floors above the check in counter. AKL is BEAUTIFUL! Could have stayed on our deck watching animals for the duration of our stay, but did tear ourselves away long enough to go to AK to pick up our APs and AK pins! Arrived at AK around 11:30, FAST PASS return time for Safari was 2:50-3:50. Did Tough to be a Bug, also saw the KANGAROOS and OTTERS and encountered the NOTORIOUS BRAZILIAN TOUR GROUPS, counted 6 different ones while in AK, as well as CHEERLEADERS. Finally got on the Safari, they changed it a little didn't they? Seemed a little longer to me. After Safari, we decided to go back to AKL and get some food and relax (had been up and on the move since 2:30, us old folks do get tired & cranky w/o our nap laugh . Decided to eat at the MARA, surprisingly quiet at 5:30 pm-only about 10 people in there and most of them were CMs. I had the AFRICAN STEW in the BREAD BOWL, VL had the CHEESE FLATBREAD and then we had our very first ZEBRA DOMES, SOOOOO GOOOOOD! Then returned to our room to watch the animals and veg out!
End of day 1, and will continue on later.


dsoup's picture
Joined: 07/11/2008
Posts: 2884

Hi Vettelover's DW! Glad he's making you do it!

It's so nice when your room is already ready when you get there. How was the African Stew?

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

dsoup VL here, and DW is a much better typist than I am so she voluntered to type the TR for me. Also she said the "African Stew" was very good but she can state that no african animals were injured in the making of it :>) tasted like good ole american bull or is that cow or is it beef??


SpaceAce's picture
Joined: 07/06/2008
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Vettelover wrote:
dsoup VL here, and DW is a much better typist than I am so she voluntered to type the TR for me. Also she said the "African Stew" was very good but she can state that no african animals were injured in the making of it :>) tasted like good ole american bull or is that cow or is it beef??

No idea what it is, but now I want to try it! biggrin

Thanks to VL and VL's Wife for the awesome trip report so far. I love hearing about the animals; we always talk about how our next AKL trip will have lots of time scheduled in for just sitting on the balcony watching the critters. It's a very relaxing resort, and there's really not a lot of reason to ever leave (except for the draw of Space Mountain!). I'm glad you like the Zebra domes awesome

Looking forward to more trip report!




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Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Sunday/Day 2

VL & I decided to take it a little easy, had breakfast in our room then ventured to DTD. Had been dying to check out Characters in Flight (the tethered balloon in DTD). Unfortunately this time of year is quite windy and the balloon was not flying that day. Its something that you have to keep checking on as it might not be open in the morning, but if the wind dies down, they could go up in the afternoon/evening.

Now, someone on the forum had mentioned that you could take the bus to DTD/West side stop and then cross the Hwy to the Hess station to buy cases of soda and bring them back to the resort. So we did. Did I mention that you have 32 SECONDS to cross that Hwy, before you're under somebody's tires. DON'T WORRY, VL & I did it in 24 SECONDS with 8 SECONDS TO SPARE. WOO HOO!!
Went back to AKL and sat on the deck relaxing & watching the animals. CMs had put food out for the Giraffes (they put leaves & branches, etc high in the trees, while eating the Giraffes drop food on the ground, which is eaten by the Giraffes & Zebras, Elands, etc. Quite interesting to see these BEAUTIFUL & TALL animals eat from the ground, their legs don't bend like ours, they have to put 4 of their legs out straight and lower their heads to the ground. While a Giraffe was eating, a ZEBRA backed up to it and began kicking. Poor Giraffe ran away! We couldn't believe Giraffes were afraid of the Zebras. VL even saw the Eland headbut a Giraffe away from the food. One activity AKL has for kids is the Primal Parade, around 8:15 each night, A CM leads kids on a march thru the lobby, each child playing drums/maracas and yelling AF RI CA! AF RI CA! That is the way they say it, you get used to it every night, I actually missed it on our first night home.

Day 3-Hollywood Studios, not too crowded, but Fast Passes for Toy Story Mania were gone B4 Noon, we arrived between 11:30 & 11:45. Too many High School Musical performances, 2 a day would be enough. Walked around for a while then went to DTD to check on Characters in Flight, still not flying, ate at TREX. VL wanted the Rigatoni & Sausage that he had when TREX first opened, but its no longer on their menu, it's now on RAINFOREST CAFE's. Ate in the Ice Cave, liked the changing colors, didn't like the low lighting while trying to read the menu.
Went back to AKL, between 8 & 11, weather permitting, you can go to the Uzima Pool Overlook and use the night vision goggles to watch the animals in the dark. Pretty cool! Only 1 Giraffe and lots of birds out that night. Talked to the CM from Nmibia named Epson, we told him about the Zebra kicking the Giraffe and he said that the Zebras are NASTY animals. Found out the animals only go inside 2 hours a day, usually in the morning. Also found out the enclosed pen like areas between the Resort & Savannah are the evacuation areas for guests in case of an emergency. More later.


Annie's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 1610

SO interesting! Probably the lower-to-the-ground animals are annoyed that the giraffe got their chance to eat up high, and now they're stealing the food on teh ground! Wink

I'm eager to see if you ever got the chance to do Characters in Flight.

How'd you like TRex overall? I've heard good and bad. What did you end up eating?

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Annie as far as Characters in Flight, I won't say till later laugh and as far as T Rex goes it was a good overall experience EXCEPT that where we were it was so dark that you could not read the menu, except during the meteor shower! and it should come with ear plugs as standard equipement. VERY loud. I had the Bronto burger which was very very good and DW had the Paleonzoic chicken sandwich which had fried pizza dough as the bun along with grilled chicken, pepper Jack cheese, avocado, tomato and lemon aioli, and lettuce, and waffle fries. She said it was very good. And we shared the Meteor bites for dessert. The portions were huge and our server was very personable.


Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Vettelover wrote:
Sunday/Day 2

Now, someone on the forum had mentioned that you could take the bus to DTD/West side stop and then cross the Hwy to the Hess station to buy cases of soda and bring them back to the resort. So we did. Did I mention that you have 32 SECONDS to cross that Hwy, before you're under somebody's tires. DON'T WORRY, VL & I did it in 24 SECONDS with 8 SECONDS TO SPARE. WOO HOO!!

Doesn't your drink taste better when you have to risk your life to get it? laugh

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

Vettelover wrote:
Annie as far as Characters in Flight, I won't say till later laugh and as far as T Rex goes it was a good overall experience EXCEPT that where we were it was so dark that you could not read the menu, except during the meteor shower! and it should come with ear plugs as standard equipement. VERY loud. I had the Bronto burger which was very very good and DW had the Paleonzoic chicken sandwich which had fried pizza dough as the bun along with grilled chicken, pepper Jack cheese, avocado, tomato and lemon aioli, and lettuce, and waffle fries. She said it was very good. And we shared the Meteor bites for dessert. The portions were huge and our server was very personable.

Yum! All of that sounds so good when it's almost lunchtime here! laugh

Great trip report so far. Looking forward to the rest (and the cliffhanger of whether you get to ride the big balloon!)


May 2008 CSR mickey

Annie's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 1610

Vettelover wrote:
Annie as far as Characters in Flight, I won't say till later laugh and as far as T Rex goes it was a good overall experience EXCEPT that where we were it was so dark that you could not read the menu, except during the meteor shower! and it should come with ear plugs as standard equipement. VERY loud. I had the Bronto burger which was very very good and DW had the Paleonzoic chicken sandwich which had fried pizza dough as the bun along with grilled chicken, pepper Jack cheese, avocado, tomato and lemon aioli, and lettuce, and waffle fries. She said it was very good. And we shared the Meteor bites for dessert. The portions were huge and our server was very personable.

Understood, VL! But you'd better tell us eventually yay The meal at Trex sounds really good, too. I wasn't planning on trying that place, but now I might just have to! What's the "ice cave?"

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Time for another installment-Day 4-VL & I went to Epcot @11 a.m., return time for Fast Pass for Soarin was between 3 & 4 pm, Test Track was 7:30-8:30. Went to Innoventions East & West-played new "Save the Piggy Bank" game sponsored by T Rowe Price. Its a gane where you are given a piggy bank and choose a goal, such as "retirement" and try to increase your investment money to reach that goal. There are 4 stations, and when you finish one, you move your piggy bank to the next station. At the last one your bank is weighed to see how heavy it is and if you have reached your goal. It was actually fun. BUT not as much fun as "Sum of All Thrills" This is sponsored by Raytheon, and is a build your own virtual thirll ride. You can create your own bobsled, roller coaster or jet, you choose the course, speed, dips, rolls, etc and then you experience your ride in a simulator. The ride's info is stored on a card that you get to keep, so that you can use it from home, later. You can make your ride as mild or wild as you can handle.
Needed some quiet time after that, so we went to Canada to listen to Off Kilter, there was an old man & woman who danced the whole time and the band members were laughing so hard they couldn't play/sing. We then walked to England to listen to the British Invasion. We were lucky enough to find a bench to sit on (the younger people from the tour groups were laying on the ground 3 deep) and offered to share it with an older couple from North Carolina. Guess who showed up to dance to the British Invasion? YEAH YEAH YEAH, it was the same old couple from the Off Kilter show dancing to the Beatles & Kinks! Thought for sure he would have a heart attack.

Walked to dinner at Chefs de France, on the way, we noticed that you can see the Characters in Flight balloon over the Mexico & China pavillions. Both had the French Onion Soup, VL had the filet and I had the French menu, both excelllent! As was the creme brulee! But, the biggest surprise was when our server, Magali, wheeled a cart to our table & VOILA! A little mouse named REMY appeared! Remy & VL carried on a conversation in French. Eh! Oh sorry, that was a flashback to Canada. Our server, Magali, was from Nice, spoke English quite well, that was from 3 years in London before going to DW.
After Chef's we returned Test Track for our fast pass and then it was back to AKL to pass the evening away.


Annie's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 1610

Your days always sound so wonderful -- relaxing, fun, and refreshing. Thank you so much for the fantastic report; reading makes me feel like I'm on vacation.

Was your Sum of All Thrills experience wild or mild?! Would love to hear more about it. Also, did you make your Piggy Bank goal?? I think that's a great little game; looking forward to trying it out.

Your meal at Chefs sounds delish. Is Vettelover fluent in French?!

admin's picture
Joined: 08/14/2010
Posts: 2733

I agree with Annie -- just reading about your trip is relaxing!

The dinner at Chefs does sound incredible. Remy is so adorable; I think that's a great idea for "restaurant entertainment." And, hmm... I'm wondering why you'd leave Nice to come to Florida! But, I guess after three years of London weather it might make more sense.

milliehubbard's picture
Joined: 06/25/2009
Posts: 489

Thanks VL and DW for a great trip report so far. ..I can just imagine being there and walking along with you. It's dinner time now and your dinner descriptions are making me very hungry!



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2017 Old Key West (Apr)
2016 Port Orleans Riverside (Oct)-Hurricane Matthew!!
2016 Old Key West (Aug)
2016 CBR (Jul)
2016 Art of Animation (May)
2015 Ft. Wilderness Campground (Oct)
2014 Sherwood Forest RV Park (Nov)
2013 Pop Century (Jul)
2012 Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress (Jul)
2011 Radisson Lake Buena Vista (Aug)
2010 Pop Century (Nov)
2009 PO Riverside (Jul)
2008 Pop Century (Apr)
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Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Agreed, great trip report!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Day 5-Wednesday, 1/20/10

I would like to thank everyone for their positive comments. I've never done this B4 and am constantly asking VL if anyone has any comments/questions. I worry I'm just rambling on and on about dumb stuff of no interest to others.

One advantage to being a DVC member is that you don't have to pack too many clothes 'cause you can do laundry at the resort. I know doing laundry isn't exactly everyone's idea of a vacation, but when you can amble over the bridge on the 5th floor at beautiful Jambo House to the laundry room (2 minute walk) deposit your laundry in the washers/dryers and then amble back to your room and leisurely sit on your deck having breakfast and watching something other than cats & dogs interact, that is soooooooo! relaxing, makes laundry enjoyable.

This is WDW for Grownups, correct? No little ones reading it? Just want to make sure before I tell you that the Zebras on the Savanna do get AMOROUS or at least try! And try. And try again. (If at first you don't succeed, try try again!) Must have been something in the watering hole, 'cause even the Roan Antelope were into it! As much as the Zebras are nasty & amorous, I equate Ostriches to the paparazzi! Always the first on the scene, sticking their noses in where they don't belong (not in the sand).

That evening we had dinner at BOMA, which is a beautiful restaurant serving a sumptuous buffet!. Our server was named Brahim and the carving station was manned by Jerry. Some of the food we enjoyed: Nut Crusted Salmon, mmm mmm, good; African Spice Strip Loin, Ancho BBQ Ribs, Bobuti (meat pie), Tofu Curried Green Beans (I've never eaten Tofu, don't like the looks/texture) but these were very good, Carrot Ginger Soup, Lentil Sausage Soup, Miehle Bread (similar to corn bread), African Fruit Fool, Pita Bread Chips, Zebra Domes, Cinnamon/Chocolate Mousse, Banana Bread Pudding w/Vanilla Sauce, but you could have the Rum Sauce instead and they do have the standard kid's fare: Mac & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Pasta w/Tomato Sauce, Meatballs, etc.
Oh, if you do go to Boma, go up to Jerry at the carving station and tell him he would love GAINSVILLE!! He & VL were talking DRAG RACING!


cdub's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3220

Those of us who haven't been in a long time are particularly entertained by the stories of those who have.

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Day 6, 1/21/10-Taking longer to report on our trip than it did to take it.

Up at 6-with a pastry from MARA for breakfast-not cooking until 7 and VL & I wanted to make the opening ceremonies at MK. Park opened at 8, but Adventureland & Frontierland didn't open until 9. Went on Its a Small World, Peter Pan & Snow White. Lot of refurbishing taking place around the Crystal Palace and Cinderella Castle (the moat was dry). Once Adventure & Frontier lands were open, we rode the Jungle Cruise and Pirates of Carribean, split a dole whip, then on to Haunted Mansion. After HM, we walked over to tomorrow land. Carousel of Progress is still one of our favorites, . Rode the TTA's people transporter, they changed the recording, no longer announce "Paging Mr Morrow, Mr Tom Morrow" or the one about keeping forward facing tentacles...., did Buzz Light Year and Laugh Factory, VL's image was flashed up on the screen as "hiding 3rd eye under hat". Stopped at the main street bakery to enjoy a chocolate chip cookie and a walnut brownie. It was a long morning! Went back to AKL to rest/relax.

Dinner reservations were at 5 at Whispering Canyon Cafe. We've eaten there before and enjoyed it, But this time, both of us were disappointed, not only in the food but the atmosphere. Had the Canyon Skillet-neither of us was impressed, BBQ Ribs were very, very fatty, brisket tough, pulled pork-not much flavor, just a little smokey. Even dessert was just ok. VL had Kahlua Choc Cake-good. I had Bourbon Pecan Pie w/choc sauce, plenty of pecans, but no flavor, even the bourbon couldn't help, didn't finish it and I'm not one to leave any dessert behind. I don't know if the guests weren't into it, but there wasn't much participation from them or CMs, only 1 little horse parade for the kids and no yelling for ketchup, etc.
Well, back to AKL for the night, there is a tornado watch in effect until 3 a.m.


Annie's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 1610

Woah! Where have I been to have missed TWO days of your trip?!??! Getting back in the saddle here...

Day 5: I agree 100% that doing laundry on vacation can be very relaxing -- as long as you don't feel like you're missing out on another part of your trip! I really like that at the value and mod resorts they have laundry facilities by the pools. I've spent many a leisurely afternoon doing laundry by the pool Smile I'm always jealous of the DVC members who get to do theirs for free, though!

Boma dinner sounds great. I'm also jealous that I've never seen BBQ ribs at Boma before! I'd love to try those. Sounds like a great day.

Day 6: WOW! You guys got a LOT done at MK that morning! I'm especially proud of you for your food choices: pastry, dole whip, chocolate chip cookie, walnut brownie -- breakfasts of champions Wink

I'm sorry your Whispering Canyon didn't end up as enjoyable as you'd hoped. I've had this experience, too. It really does depend a LOT on your server and the other diners. If you're not there at the right time, it's bor-ing! Blah food is also unfortunate; again, the food here hasn't ever been consistent for me. I usually pick breakfast here; Mickey waffles are pretty much always good.

Can't wait for more! Sad you're running out of days Sad

bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

Ha ha! Laughing at the animals on the Savanna! I've never seen them act that way -- maybe you guys were there during a particularly high-level mating season! Smile

Loving the food reviews, too. Everything sounds so wonderful. I think when I go to Boma I just head to the buffet and don't really think about what I'm eating -- this all sounds great!


May 2008 CSR mickey

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Vettelover wrote:

Dinner reservations were at 5 at Whispering Canyon Cafe. We've eaten there before and enjoyed it, But this time, both of us were disappointed, not only in the food but the atmosphere. Had the Canyon Skillet-neither of us was impressed, BBQ Ribs were very, very fatty, brisket tough, pulled pork-not much flavor, just a little smokey. Even dessert was just ok. VL had Kahlua Choc Cake-good. I had Bourbon Pecan Pie w/choc sauce, plenty of pecans, but no flavor, even the bourbon couldn't help, didn't finish it and I'm not one to leave any dessert behind. I don't know if the guests weren't into it, but there wasn't much participation from them or CMs, only 1 little horse parade for the kids and no yelling for ketchup, etc.
Well, back to AKL for the night, there is a tornado watch in effect until 3 a.m.

We've never been for dinner. Is it off your recommendation list, or do you think they were just having an off night?