Bored here at work. Who wants to entertain me? lol

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MrHub's picture
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Okay now it's my turn to be bored. Sitting in lab office waiting to get blood drawn. I don't feel old anymore compared to all the people here with me!

caitiesus's picture
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mrhub wrote:
Okay now it's my turn to be bored. Sitting in lab office waiting to get blood drawn. I don't feel old anymore compared to all the people here with me!

well that sounds like fun.

MrHub's picture
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Not! I didn't have a long wait though, so that was good.

Vettelover's picture
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Boy do I know what you are going through 'many times over' Heck my arms sometime feel like a pincushion. One of the drawbacks of crossing from adulthood to the same classification as the Vette "Antique" silly Have a nice day mrhub Smile


admin's picture
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Vettelover wrote:
Boy do I know what you are going through 'many times over' Heck my arms sometime feel like a pincushion. One of the drawbacks of crossing from adulthood to the same classification as the Vette "Antique" silly Have a nice day mrhub Smile

Ha! The Vette "Antique" -- love it.

Hope everyone's having a good day!

Tony's picture
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As a regular (usually 3 times a year) blood donor, I know exactly how it feels. Not normally painful but not always completely comfortable getting the needle put it either.


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Mase's picture
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mrhub wrote:
Okay now it's my turn to be bored. Sitting in lab office waiting to get blood drawn. I don't feel old anymore compared to all the people here with me!

Know what you mean. The meds im on require me to do that, and im always the youngest person in the place. Quite crazy. Ill have my daughter there to and she will always cheer everyone up! lol

Glad to see this post get hits for people to be unbored! lol


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Mase's picture
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Going to resurrect this post because today is going to be one of those days hopefully. I had to come to work to get peace... lol

Found out Tuesday my oldest had pneumonia so he has been home all work and yesterday he started to get stir crazy, so Daddy was at his limit. Today is my youngests birthday. She is now 2 years old, and cant believe it. Won free pro soccer tickets for tomorrow, but dont know if I can pick them up. Just been one of those weeks... lol

What is everyone up to today and this weekend?


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Lizzy_B's picture
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Today, work and chasing DS1; tomorrow, W5D3 C25k in the morning, then more work, and then hopefully - beach! On Sunday, church, and I'd like to work on getting my music all in one place, and plan some activities with the kids around Holy Week. (We go to a pretty non traditional church, so I like to focus on some of those traditions at home that I grew up with.)

Is your daughter's birthday bash this weekend? Doing anything special?


Mase's picture
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That sounds like a really nice weekend. When you say getting your music in place... do you mean re-arranging iTunes? Or physical stuff? And always a plus to bring traditions home. For me... the church I grew up in got a preacher a couple years back I did not like, so besides holidays... I havent been a regular which kills me sometimes. But I just found out when I was growing up... my youth pastor is moving back to where I live, and will be a full time preacher at a church here. So ill be very happy!

And the major festivities for Brooklin happened last Sunday. Had a party for her at the house and everything. Tonight were going out to eat for her birthday with my parents and thats about it. And a couple weeks back for part of her birthday she got to see the Imagination Movers. She just loves them. So in a way.... the past 15 days has been her birthday bash... lol


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caitiesus's picture
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Well as of 3:15 Jason is on Spring Break! Wooo!!!!

We are going out iwth a couple friends tonight - just dinner and playing games.

Tomorrow will be a big day. We are heading into NYC to use my birthday present from my family: Two musicals and lunch at Sardis! We met over our love of Broadway, and haven't seen a show for two years due to money problems. SO excited! Our first choices are two new shows that are still in previews: Catch Me If you Can based on the movie that one of our favorite performers is in and Wonderland, a new take on Alice in Wonderland that looks REALLY good!

Sunday - we don't know. We had made tentative plans with friends...but they kinda disappeared.

Since it is spring break next week, we have a couple medical appointments (blah) and then a seder at Jason's sister's house (his side is Jewish), but mostly it is just sleeping in and relaxing - maybe seeing a couple movies.

Vettelover's picture
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Hope you have a really great time.


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Woo, sounds like fun cait!! Have a great time!

Mase, any big birthday party themes?

I took today off and we're working in the yard (it's going to be 75 and sunny today in Charlotte - yay! Just getting ready to take the pups for a walk along one of the Greenways for a break.

Then I have to clean out the gutters before yet another big rain storm tomorrow.

And you think I sit around eating cupcakes and ordering Disney stuff all day....ha! That's only when Joe is not looking. biggrin

Tony's picture
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I have the first big car show of the year tomorrow Smile The Pride of Longbridge event, celebrating cars built at the Longbridge factory in Birmingham, England.


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Mase's picture
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JeffC wrote:
Woo, sounds like fun cait!! Have a great time!

Mase, any big birthday party themes?

I took today off and we're working in the yard (it's going to be 75 and sunny today in Charlotte - yay! Just getting ready to take the pups for a walk along one of the Greenways for a break.

Then I have to clean out the gutters before yet another big rain storm tomorrow.

And you think I sit around eating cupcakes and ordering Disney stuff all day....ha! That's only when Joe is not looking. biggrin

It was a Disney Princess theme. Let me post some pics:

She got Ariel and her prince. Cant remember his name at this time. Got her a pillow like Belle and Rapunzel. As you can see... she got a Paper Jamz. She is always playing with our Guitar Hero guitars so I thought this would be fun to get her. But you can see some of the stuff in the pictures... But it was a total Disney Princess theme. Heh


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Bella's picture
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Prince Eric!!! (Am I total lamesauce or what?!) And where can I get Brooklin's dress in my size? That is adorable.

This weekend..well..we are buying a refrigerator. Exciting.


mickey Bella

Lizzy_B's picture
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Mase wrote:
That sounds like a really nice weekend. When you say getting your music in place... do you mean re-arranging iTunes? Or physical stuff? And always a plus to bring traditions home. For me... the church I grew up in got a preacher a couple years back I did not like, so besides holidays... I havent been a regular which kills me sometimes. But I just found out when I was growing up... my youth pastor is moving back to where I live, and will be a full time preacher at a church here. So ill be very happy!

And the major festivities for Brooklin happened last Sunday. Had a party for her at the house and everything. Tonight were going out to eat for her birthday with my parents and thats about it. And a couple weeks back for part of her birthday she got to see the Imagination Movers. She just loves them. So in a way.... the past 15 days has been her birthday bash... lol

First, Ariel's prince = Eric Smile

Second, LOVE your daughter's name!

Third, yes...iTunes. Sigh. I started my digital music journey with a Sansa, which I love. A friend got it for me, and pre-loaded it with some stuff that I then uploaded to my first laptop. Now that I have an iPhone (and another laptop) stuff is all over the place, in Windows Media player, on iTunes...I just need to get it all figured out. I've been using my phone's iPod on my walk/runs since my phone also has a stop watch, so I just need to get it all on there. But I find that if I sit down to my computer, I work, or I goof off...I never seem to get personal projects finished.

Caitie - sounds fabulous! Do tell all about the shows, esp Wonderland! Hope you and Jason have a nice, restful week.

Jeff - please be careful on that ladder!

Tony - is there a competition element? If so, good luck! Have you ever posted pics here of your car(Drunk?


Mase's picture
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Bella wrote:
Prince Eric!!! (Am I total lamesauce or what?!) And where can I get Brooklin's dress in my size? That is adorable.

This weekend..well..we are buying a refrigerator. Exciting.

Im a cook, and that would excite me! Would love to get a new fridge!

Lizzy_B wrote:

First, Ariel's prince = Eric Smile

Second, LOVE your daughter's name!

Third, yes...iTunes. Sigh. I started my digital music journey with a Sansa, which I love. A friend got it for me, and pre-loaded it with some stuff that I then uploaded to my first laptop. Now that I have an iPhone (and another laptop) stuff is all over the place, in Windows Media player, on iTunes...I just need to get it all figured out. I've been using my phone's iPod on my walk/runs since my phone also has a stop watch, so I just need to get it all on there. But I find that if I sit down to my computer, I work, or I goof off...I never seem to get personal projects finished.

Caitie - sounds fabulous! Do tell all about the shows, esp Wonderland! Hope you and Jason have a nice, restful week.

Jeff - please be careful on that ladder!

Tony - is there a competition element? If so, good luck! Have you ever posted pics here of your car(Drunk?

And yeah! Eric! Thats right! and thank you about my daughters name. It was a name my wife and I came up with a couple years before she was even born! lol

And yeah... I understand about the music. I got a new PC a month or so ago, and had to move all of the music from the lappy over to here. And that was a pain.


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Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246 smily to, not what I expected. That's pretty funny.


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Bella wrote:
Prince Eric!!! (Am I total lamesauce or what?!) And where can I get Brooklin's dress in my size? That is adorable.

This weekend..well..we are buying a refrigerator. Exciting.

It came from Macy's but I don't know if they have it in all sizes


Tony's picture
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Lizzy_B wrote:
Tony - is there a competition element? If so, good luck! Have you ever posted pics here of your car(Drunk?

No competitions today. I've posted pics of our 'toy' car before, but here's a new one...

dscf2693.jpg1.24 MB

I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Tony's picture
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Spotted this one today too...

dscf2705.jpg1.26 MB
dscf2706.jpg1.23 MB

I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Mase's picture
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Wow... those are nice.... biggrin

Lucky dawg


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Joined: 09/12/2010
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Note that I believe I would look extremely hawt in that. Can you ship it? biggrin

Great car!!!!

Tony's picture
Joined: 12/23/2009
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The MG F was never sold in the U.S. (much to the disdain of many U.S. MG fans) The closest you'd get is the Mazda MX5 Miata.


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Mase's picture
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So Tony... how many "Toy" cars do you have? Is this your hobby?


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Lizzy_B's picture
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Tony wrote:
The MG F was never sold in the U.S. (much to the disdain of many U.S. MG fans) The closest you'd get is the Mazda MX5 Miata.

...Which would explain why I absolutely LOVE that car! (and the Tigger one, too.) I had a beautiful little black Miata before I acquired the giant husband and 2 kiddoes.... :-/ I saw one for sale the other day, all detailed, top down, so shiny, and I was seriously trying to figure out how in the world to buy it! Stupid carseats...

Are you at car shows most weekends, now that the weather is turning nice? I suppose that Mrs. T is an enthusiast, too?


Mase's picture
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Car seats can do that too ya... lol


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Tony's picture
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Mase wrote:
So Tony... how many "Toy" cars do you have? Is this your hobby?

We only have the one 'Toy', but both our daily driver's are MG saloons so we have taken them to shows too.

Lizzy_B wrote:
Are you at car shows most weekends, now that the weather is turning nice? I suppose that Mrs. T is an enthusiast, too?

Mrs T is almost as enthusiastic as I am, she prefers shows when the weather is good and isn't too keen on the early starts to get to the ones that are further away. We do about 4 or 5 shows over the summer and a spectate at a couple of race meets.


I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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Tony wrote:
Mase wrote:
So Tony... how many "Toy" cars do you have? Is this your hobby?

We only have the one 'Toy', but both our daily driver's are MG saloons so we have taken them to shows too.

Lizzy_B wrote:
Are you at car shows most weekends, now that the weather is turning nice? I suppose that Mrs. T is an enthusiast, too?

Mrs T is almost as enthusiastic as I am, she prefers shows when the weather is good and isn't too keen on the early starts to get to the ones that are further away. We do about 4 or 5 shows over the summer and a spectate at a couple of race meets.

Thats really cool man. Any plans on expanding?


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