Campfires and S'mores

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JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757
Campfires and S'mores

While in WDW in April, I discovered Pop Century had a Groovy Campfire each night (weather permitting). It was a fairly new activity. You can buy s'more kits for $5.00 or a bag of 10 marshmallows for $1.00. It was a fun relaxing time. Our time was cut short that evening due to a storm in the vicinity. I had some of the kit left over that I could have brought them back for another night. I didn't make it back. I had some snacks for the rest of the trip.

I learned that trip that no resort activity is created equally. I posted about this experience on the Disney Foodies group on Facebook. I got a good laugh at the number of people who were up in arms about Pop charging for marshmallows (umm... it's a dollar, get over it). I moved to Boulder Ridge (for a night) and then Cooper Creek for the rest of my trip. They charged $10.00 for the kit but marshmallows were free. I think I got more in my kit at Pop that what they had at Wilderness Lodge. I was talking to a CM who told me resorts set their own prices for activities. The second picture below is the kit from Pop and the last is the kit from Wilderness Lodge.

Has anyone done this at other resorts?


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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

JoAnn C wrote:
I learned that trip that no resort activity is created equally. I was talking to a CM who told me resorts set their own prices for activities.

Yep! I believe that as businesses each of the WDW Resorts run independently. While they have to operate within a certain set of guidelines, they are each unique businesses with their own budgets and general manager that can tweak things as they see fit. Mandy can perhaps add some clarity to this since she has worked the Resort side of things.

I had done the campfire at Wilderness Lodge, but that was before all of the refurbishment. I wanted to give it a go at the Polynesian, but they were only doing them on the weekends last month. I was super disappointed by that.

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

Well I can see why Wilderness Lodge charges double - they unpack the Graham crackers and unwrap the chocolate bars for you!

What a fun and fantastic idea!. I would so do that one night. Thanks JoAnn!

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

I can not add any clarity as I had nothing to do with this kind of stuff at resorts. Jeff is probably right about why they charge more at the Wilderness Lodge. That is nice that they added a campfire at Pop!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

The only one I've done is the campfire singalong at Fort Wilderness where we brought our own s'mores supplies but rented the sticks to roast the marshmallows on for a nominal price that I can't remember. We saw them starting up a fire with s'mores supplies at Caribbean Beach when we were there a couple of weeks ago but we didn't have time to stop.