CCP's question about Seafood

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MrHub's picture
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CCP's question about Seafood

crazycatperson wrote:
designedbydisney wrote:
Great for me but fiance doesn't eat seafood Sad

Apologies in advance for hijacking this thread and taking it off on a tangent.

Can someone who "doesn't eat seafood" explain this to me?

I understand not liking certain foods. I don't care for lamb or organ meats in the broader family of "red meat." But I happily eat beef, pork, and occasionally more exotic stuff like venison or bison.

I also don't like most mild, flaky white fish like cod and haddock, but I love shellfish and most of the firmer, oilier fish like tuna, salmon, and swordfish, as well as fish that are somewhere in the middle between white and dark/oily, like catfish and snapper.

To me, saying "I don't like seafood" is like saying "I don't like red meat." I know plenty of people who don't eat red meat, but it's usually an ethical decision, not that they don't like any kind of red meat. (My almost-vegan niece has been known to down a cheeseburger in a moment of weakness.) I don't know anyone who simply doesn't like the taste of every kind of red meat there is. Yet people will make such blanket statements about all seafood all the time, even though cod tastes nothing like tuna, and salmon tastes nothing like shrimp.

So I'm thinking, if someone says they don't like seafood at all, they probably just haven't tried many different kinds of seafood. They had mediocre fish sticks or overcooked haddock as a kid, hated them, and never gave anything else a proper chance, never experienced a perfectly prepared piece of swordfish or some sushi-grade tuna seared on the outside and still red and moist on the inside.

So what's the scoop, you who hate seafood? Have you tried it all and just don't like it all, or are you judging all fish based on the crap they served in your school cafeteria?

MrHub's picture
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Now I like pretty much all things seafood, regardless. Scrappy on the other hand is one of those people that has tried many varieties of seafood and for the most part just does not care for it. She does however like a good order Fish and Chips now and then. That is about as far as she will go! She has never said "hates" it and most of the time I hear people say "they don't care for seafood" or "they don't like seafood" but not hate it. It's just like not caring for a certain ethnic style of food, Indian, Mexican, Polish, German.

And for those that talk about the "fish flavor or smell", well you're not eating fresh fish. My rule of thumb, if it smells fishy, you don't eat it!

JanJ's picture
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Ken loves seafood - all types, including sushi. Me, on the other hand, only likes certain kinds of fish. I prefer milder tasting white fish (halibut, tilapia, sole etc), shrimp and some crab. I have tried sushi and just couldn't do it - can't get my mind passed the raw fish. yuck

JoAnn C's picture
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I am one who doesn't eat seafood. For one reason, I am allergic to some. Luckily, I have never had a serious reaction. It's best just to stay away.

I have tried some and just never developed a taste for it.


RobynPrincess's picture
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I hate seafood, if you have read my TR's you will probably see I have a very weird relationship with food (to put it lightly!) lots of it is due to health problems and then the rest of it comes from fussiness growing up (again though due to the health problems). I had lots of problems where everything - and I do mean everything - went straight through me so I developed lots of issues with eating; flavours, textures, smells etc. I even wouldn't eat things that had touched each other on the plate!! I basically did everything I could to get out of eating. My mum would say 'eat that or nothing' so I would eat nothing. Thankfully I'm soooo much better now than I was, i will try lots of things (disney has actually helped me with that, especially food and wine). Except fish. I have no desire to eat seafood whatsoever. I can't bare the smell or texture. I don't actually eat a whole lot of meat in general, having started to eat a lot of veggie meals at home. If someone orders fish at a restaurant near me I get a sinking feeling, I hate the smell that much. I don't eat red meat and the smell of that cooking doesn't bother me at all so I don't get why I hate fish so much.... Told you I have issues hahahaha


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Spook's picture
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I say I don't like fish or seafood but in reality I've never really tried it. My mom has a VERY serious allergy so we never ate it growing up. For some reason, I just have zero ambition or willingness to try it. Just doesn't appeal to me at all and I can't explain why. I don't think I'm all that picky of an eater. I did try fish and chips once earlier this year and didn't mind it. Who knows, maybe I'll eventually aquire a taste for it laugh

ScottFL's picture
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Cooking is my hobby. I do a lot of cooking for other people, and I get when someone doesn't care for one dish or another (I have a few myself). But I also think it depends on how you approach it with other people.

We used to have a friend in our circle that had serious food issues - and acted like a 4-year old in regards to it. One of his big things was seafood. He wasn't allergic, just a childish aversion to it. An example: once he found out that worstershire sauce had anchovies in it, he refused to eat it anymore- even though he never had a problem with it before he found out. These kinds of things would irritate me constantly. The list of items was very long and he would throw a fit every time someone even mentioned something he didn't care for.

So... to amuse myself, I used to add anchovy paste to A LOT of dishes without telling anyone (It's a great way to add background flavor anyway). Turned out that he loved a couple of the dishes I made with the secret ingredient, and would request them on a regular basis. I would snicker to myself every time it happened.

Does that make me a bad person? Probably - but I got sick and tired of battling a 4-year old in a 45-year old's body every time he came to dinner.

crazycatperson's picture
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Copying seafood comments from designedbydisney's ADRs thread...

finngirl wrote:
My son is working on getting me to try sushi, but it hasn't happened yet. biggrin

Not all sushi is raw fish. So if you'd really like to try it, start with something like a cucumber roll (no fish at all) or California roll (usually made with that fake crabmeat stuff, which is cooked). There are other types that don't contain raw fish, also, but I can't recall off hand which ones.

Kristen K. wrote:
For me, it's generally a texture thing....

Now that, I totally understand. I have a texture thing, also, but it involves mushy foods - mashed potatoes, mashed squash, overcooked greens, or any overcooked vegetable, for that matter. The only exception is mashed rutabaga, and then it can't be overly mashed, just a little, so there are still solid bits in there.

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crazycatperson wrote:
Copying seafood comments from designedbydisney's ADRs thread...

finngirl wrote:
My son is working on getting me to try sushi, but it hasn't happened yet. biggrin

Not all sushi is raw fish. So if you'd really like to try it, start with something like a cucumber roll (no fish at all) or California roll (usually made with that fake crabmeat stuff, which is cooked). There are other types that don't contain raw fish, also, but I can't recall off hand which ones.

I did not know that. When I hear sushi, I automatically think "eww, raw fish". I will keep this in mind next time I am offered a chance to try it. The California roll actually sounds like something I might acquire a taste for.



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crazycatperson wrote:
Copying seafood comments from designedbydisney's ADRs thread...

finngirl wrote:
My son is working on getting me to try sushi, but it hasn't happened yet. biggrin

Not all sushi is raw fish. So if you'd really like to try it, start with something like a cucumber roll (no fish at all) or California roll (usually made with that fake crabmeat stuff, which is cooked). There are other types that don't contain raw fish, also, but I can't recall off hand which ones.

I am a HUGE vegetarian sushi fan. Most places these days will offer several types of vegetarian sushi, cucumber rolls (kappa maki) are one of my favorites, my kids love the piece with egg on it (tamago), I love veggie tempura rolls, and many places teppan restaurants will offer some sort of custom roll with beef or chicken inside.

RobynPrincess's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:
Copying seafood comments from designedbydisney's ADRs thread...

finngirl wrote:
My son is working on getting me to try sushi, but it hasn't happened yet. biggrin

Not all sushi is raw fish. So if you'd really like to try it, start with something like a cucumber roll (no fish at all) or California roll (usually made with that fake crabmeat stuff, which is cooked). There are other types that don't contain raw fish, also, but I can't recall off hand which ones.

I am a HUGE vegetarian sushi fan. Most places these days will offer several types of vegetarian sushi, cucumber rolls (kappa maki) are one of my favorites, my kids love the piece with egg on it (tamago), I love veggie tempura rolls, and many places teppan restaurants will offer some sort of custom roll with beef or chicken inside.

I'm a lover of veggie sushi too!


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finngirl wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:
Copying seafood comments from designedbydisney's ADRs thread...

finngirl wrote:
My son is working on getting me to try sushi, but it hasn't happened yet. biggrin

Not all sushi is raw fish. So if you'd really like to try it, start with something like a cucumber roll (no fish at all) or California roll (usually made with that fake crabmeat stuff, which is cooked). There are other types that don't contain raw fish, also, but I can't recall off hand which ones.

I did not know that. When I hear sushi, I automatically think "eww, raw fish". I will keep this in mind next time I am offered a chance to try it. The California roll actually sounds like something I might acquire a taste for.

The California Roll is the perfect gateway sushi. This is how I got DH to try sushi when we were first dating and now he'll eat raw tuna, salmon, etc. on sushi.

jw24's picture
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For some people, they claim seafood all tastes the same so there's nothing in particular that makes it special but how you prepare with your herbs, seasonings and cooking techniques can make a difference, just like meat.

My family is huge on seafood, particularly my father. He'll eat just about any type of seafood. We've never been to the Gulf States like Louisiana so he hasn't tried their style of oysters and crayfish. As for me, I enjoy shrimp, lobster, salmon and well, fried fish...if it's done properly! My father enjoys crabs and clams a lot more. I've only had mussels once and they were nice. But for crab, I think it's too much work for not a lot of meat!

I do enjoy sushi, though it's mainly salmon and shrimp nigiri, Alaska Roll (It's the California Roll with salmon instead of the crab sticks) and California Rolls. Somehow, my family is really intrigued with sashimi. I'll stick to salmon because I think I need to try other fish cooked before I dive in into trying other sashimi! For fish in general, I am pretty particular about what kind I want to try. I never liked tuna, flounder and tilapia, but I love salmon, halibut and fried cod or pollock, two varieties of fish often used in fish and chips. I just haven't had the time or the money to try other types. I think I'm open to trying other kinds of fish but catfish is the biggest one for me.


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alicemouse's picture
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Other than allergies, which I totally get, I'm not sure why so many folks seem to have an intense aversion to the entire genre. Me? I could live on crab (preferably Maryland Blue Crab, but I'll take Alaskan crab or stone crab if that's what you're serving). If it is possible to be legitimately addicted to a certain type of food, then go ahead and put me down as a crab addict.


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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I've actually been tryin my hand at making sushi and its not that hard really. Worst is getting the sticky rice right. I love making it and made it for the guys at work several times now. We have Sushi fests at 3 in the morning!

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RobynPrincess's picture
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Right, I'm coming to yours for dinner mrhub! Who's with me???


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crazycatperson's picture
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Mr. Hub, I see you've done real raw fish. I've made stuff like cucumber and California rolls, but never attempted raw fish before. Any tips on doing that? Besides getting incredibly fresh fish, of course.

Magic Mirror's picture
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Dang! Make that Chef Mark! Nice Cooking awesome

The Watchmaker's picture
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Very impressed sir.. awesome

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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Very cool, Mr Hub!

EmFord's picture
Joined: 02/12/2014
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Wow Mr Hub! Looks so good.. If I could afford to eat sushi every day I would so do it


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MrHub wrote:
I've actually been tryin my hand at making sushi and its not that hard really. Worst is getting the sticky rice right. I love making it and made it for the guys at work several times now. We have Sushi fests at 3 in the morning!

Wow! Very impressive! Looks really good!! awesome

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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I got some sushi grade Tuna & salmon from a local grocery store, Wegman's if anyone has one near them. I did make several avocado rolls and California Rolls. Got some of that fake crab meat also and put that in some too. Scrappy does like the Avocado rolls with carrots and cucumber in them. Dang, I want sushi now. must make sushi tonight!

There are all kinds of great videos on YouTube to make sushi.

Joined: 08/01/2012
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I love all types of fish however I have developed an allergy to shellfish so there goes my shrimp, crab, LOBSTER. waiting If I have my choice I will pick salmon or flounder. (And I grew up eating fish sticks.)

Allie's picture
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I really want to attempt my own sushi but out here in rural Minnesota I can't even find seaweed at any of the grocery stores around us. sad

Joined: 08/30/2008
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I love seafood of all kinds. In fact, I even love some of the exotic seafood that most people (i.e. Americans) don't eat, such as eel, sea squirt, etc.

Outside of allergies/negative reaction/religion restrictions to any type of food, I find that most people who do not like a particular type of food is due to either a bad introduction to those food, or that they are not familiar with that food, or some psychological reaction to it. Fish is a common example because most people were introduced to fish in the US via processed food, i.e. fish sticks, etc. I would hate fish too if that was how I was introduced to it.

There is also the "icky" factor due to the unfamiliarity of it, and this is true with innards etc. This is ignoring the fact that just one or two generations ago, our parent/grandparents/great grandparents used to not throw anything away and ate everything they could out of an animal.

Also note that this also applies not only to the type of food, but also to the type of cuisine. There are people who don't care for Indian, Korean, etc... simply because they are not used to such flavors, etc.

I could also turn this around and declare that I can't stand White Castle and consider it as a colossal joke. Yet, I know of people who crave for it. If you look closely, these are people who grew up with it and gotten used to to the flavor of bad hamburgers. And that reminds me of an incident with a couple of kids. Someone brought some very good heirloom tomatoes, ripened just right on the vine. I took one bite and I almost sighed because that was what tomatoes were supposed to taste like. The kids, on the other hand, took one bite and couldn't stand it. They thought the tomatoes tasted "funky". And I found out later that they grew up with supermarket tomatoes that were tasteless!

I never want my taste buds to be "complacent" like that. Life is too short to eat bad food.



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Allie's picture
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ZapperZ wrote:
Life is too short to eat bad food.


Can this be my new motto? awesome

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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ZapperZ wrote:
I love seafood of all kinds. In fact, I even love some of the exotic seafood that most people (i.e. Americans) don't eat, such as eel, sea squirt, etc.

Outside of allergies/negative reaction/religion restrictions to any type of food, I find that most people who do not like a particular type of food is due to either a bad introduction to those food, or that they are not familiar with that food, or some psychological reaction to it. Fish is a common example because most people were introduced to fish in the US via processed food, i.e. fish sticks, etc. I would hate fish too if that was how I was introduced to it.

There is also the "icky" factor due to the unfamiliarity of it, and this is true with innards etc. This is ignoring the fact that just one or two generations ago, our parent/grandparents/great grandparents used to not throw anything away and ate everything they could out of an animal.

Also note that this also applies not only to the type of food, but also to the type of cuisine. There are people who don't care for Indian, Korean, etc... simply because they are not used to such flavors, etc.

I could also turn this around and declare that I can't stand White Castle and consider it as a colossal joke. Yet, I know of people who crave for it. If you look closely, these are people who grew up with it and gotten used to to the flavor of bad hamburgers. And that reminds me of an incident with a couple of kids. Someone brought some very good heirloom tomatoes, ripened just right on the vine. I took one bite and I almost sighed because that was what tomatoes were supposed to taste like. The kids, on the other hand, took one bite and couldn't stand it. They thought the tomatoes tasted "funky". And I found out later that they grew up with supermarket tomatoes that were tasteless!

I never want my taste buds to be "complacent" like that. Life is too short to eat bad food.


Agree completely Zz awesome awesome

JMed's picture
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MrHub wrote:
I got some sushi grade Tuna & salmon from a local grocery store, Wegman's if anyone has one near them. I did make several avocado rolls and California Rolls. Got some of that fake crab meat also and put that in some too. Scrappy does like the Avocado rolls with carrots and cucumber in them. Dang, I want sushi now. must make sushi tonight!

There are all kinds of great videos on YouTube to make sushi.

Wegman's is a special trip for us when we go to DC laugh laugh We treat it like one of the museums. Natural History, American Indian, American History, Arlington Cemetery, Washington Monument, Wegmans!!! Yea... Seriously


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Vettelover's picture
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I've only been in a Wegmans once but it was FANTASTIC!! Wish they had some around my neck of the woods. awesome


jw24's picture
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ZapperZ wrote:
Life is too short to eat bad food.

Couldn't agree more! awesome


"All my life I wonder how it feels to pass a day, not above them but part of them.

And out there living in the sun, give me one day out there, all I ask is one to hold forever. Out there where they all live unaware, what I'd give, what I'd dare, just to live one day out there."