Character Adult Dining At WDW...

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Character Adult Dining At WDW...

Good Monday Morning Everyone...Now it's getting very near my 180 days for my ADRS and I've picked them out, anyway, we have never done any character dining experiences,just has never appealed to us, I would rather splash out my cash for a good meal at WDW...Now I've read a few where the little ones run amok,,( bless their wee hearts ) But is there one where it's more quieter,and maybe more adult themed..?...Your opinions please..Cheers.

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
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I have only been to one as an adult and that was 1900 Park Fare, now weather it was where we were seated, the time we had our breakfast booked for, or just generally a quieter day I'm not sure but we loved it, there was kids don't get me wrong but they were all well behaved and we absolutely loved it!!! the strawberry soup just made my day and we are actually going back this year because we loved it.

I was with you I was a bit sceptical and worrying about screaming children and spoiling the meal but I was pleasantly surprised!

Blackeyed's picture
Joined: 03/25/2014
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Back in the day when the Liberty Tree Tavern did Character dining we found that a great place for adults.. Not such a big area for the kids to go crazy.

We've now done a few Character meals with the kids and I'd have to say there's not really one that has stood out as being more adult - Let's face it we're just not supposed to be the ones who are really there for the characters! *wink*

Akershus isn't so bad because it's princesses (real people) rather than a full blown character (head costume etc)

I guess the best thing to do is decide which character(Drunk you'd like to see and find out where they dine.

Either way - Just be a kid - It's not often in this life we get away with it. yay



MrHub's picture
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I would say no, there are no character meals that are more adult themed. The kids can run amuck anywhere and character dining just makes it worse. Heck I've seen adults run amuck at character dining, mostly people from out of the US though. If your going to a character meal, expect kids to be all over, and probably loud.

I will say Cape May Cafe is our favorite character breakfast. I would consider that the least rowdy of them all and it's a very good buffet.

h0ney227's picture
Joined: 07/30/2013
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I have to agree with Amy1989, 1900 Park fare was really good. Really amazing food and the strawberry soup was amazing! It was a bit quieter in there than I thought it would have been. But we were also there on a not so busy day.


alicemouse's picture
Joined: 10/22/2013
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Garden Grill was pretty good as far as everyone minding their manners and not being loud and crazy. The restaurant rotates past the scenes in the land, so even when the characters aren't at your table, there's something going on. Also, the booths are on two tiers and face toward the outside of the restaurant. It feels like a reasonably private dining experience even when the characters are visiting your table.


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mrhub wrote:
I would say no, there are no character meals that are more adult themed. The kids can run amuck anywhere and character dining just makes it worse. Heck I've seen adults run amuck at character dining, mostly people from out of the US though. If your going to a character meal, expect kids to be all over, and probably loud.

I will say Cape May Cafe is our favorite character breakfast. I would consider that the least rowdy of them all and it's a very good buffet.

Cheers Mr Hub..Will check out the Cape...

oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
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My DH doesn't "do" character meals. He says that we live with two owner cats (they own us) and we are both teachers so we work with kiddos all the time. Love them, raised them, and I will love grandkids when they come along. Honestly, my DH and his best friend (the husband of the other couple we are going with) can be children enough. laugh


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

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Vettelover's picture
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alicemouse wrote:
Garden Grill was pretty good as far as everyone minding their manners and not being loud and crazy. The restaurant rotates past the scenes in the land, so even when the characters aren't at your table, there's something going on. Also, the booths are on two tiers and face toward the outside of the restaurant. It feels like a reasonably private dining experience even when the characters are visiting your table.

I agree that Garden Grill is great for adults. We muchlove it there. and the food is good and plentiful.


crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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We've done a late breakfast (10:00 am) at Cape May Cafe and found it quite pleasant. There were kids, but they weren't running all over the place raising a ruckus. Perhaps by that hour, many families with young kids had already come and gone, and the ones that were left had eaten enough that the kids had settled down.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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amy1989 wrote:
I have only been to one as an adult and that was 1900 Park Fare, now weather it was where we were seated, the time we had our breakfast booked for, or just generally a quieter day I'm not sure but we loved it, there was kids don't get me wrong but they were all well behaved and we absolutely loved it!!! the strawberry soup just made my day and we are actually going back this year because we loved it.

I was with you I was a bit sceptical and worrying about screaming children and spoiling the meal but I was pleasantly surprised!

h0ney227 wrote:
I have to agree with Amy1989, 1900 Park fare was really good. Really amazing food and the strawberry soup was amazing! It was a bit quieter in there than I thought it would have been. But we were also there on a not so busy day.

Good to hear! This is the one we're hitting in September! awesome

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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I'm another fan of the Garden Grill. It's my favourite restaurant ever muchlove we were actually thinking of skipping it in October to try new places but we just can't do it.

Spook's picture
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I just noticed there is a review for the Garden Grill over on the DFB mickey

ScottFL's picture
Joined: 01/28/2014
Posts: 237

We've always thought there should be an adult character experience. You know, cocktails with the villains or something...

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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ScottFL wrote:
We've always thought there should be an adult character experience. You know, cocktails with the villains or something...

I love that idea.


Eeyore's picture
Joined: 11/22/2012
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We really like The Garden Grill. I've been several times and I've never had a bad experience. I like it because it isn't a buffet and people/kids do not have a reason to just get up and roam around. It's not really big enough for people to just walk around....most people remain seated unless visiting the restroom. The booths create a nice separation from other families. The food is also excellent!

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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I haven't tried Garden Grill yet but plan to fix that in October.

I will give another vote for Cape May Cafe for a good adult character breakfast.


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Cape May Cafe for Breakfast, absolutely! The food is a little more on the grown up side, with a lot more flavor than at some others. They serve a pretty good mimosa there as well.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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ScottFL wrote:
We've always thought there should be an adult character experience. You know, cocktails with the villains or something...

awesome awesome awesome

Joined: 08/27/2013
Posts: 120

I haven't been to all, or even most of them, but common sense would make me think that...
1. A buffet might tend to seem more hectic just because of everyone constantly getting up and walking to the buffet and navigating through tables trying to balance plates loaded with food.
2. Doing a late breakfast somewhere would probably be a little quieter and less crowded, with most people, including families with little ones, getting an early start in the parks. While not a character meal, we ate at Whispering Canyon for breakfast at around 9:30 or 10:00-ish, and it was VERY subdued- especially for a place that's supposed to be a little raucous and wild. Only about half the tables were even occupied.

We're doing Cape May for breakfast in May, so we'll be sure to report back on it!

SpamGoddess's picture
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ScottFL wrote:
We've always thought there should be an adult character experience. You know, cocktails with the villains or something...

Cocktails and tapas with the villains would be AMAZING.

Right now I have Cape May Cafe booked for breakfast one morning for my 18 year old sister and I, but I'm not sure if we'll be keeping it. I'm not sure either of us are into character dining enough right now to justify the cost, and I'm not sure she'd want to get up early enough to do it. Once she finds out what all is going on with this trip, I'll have to talk to her about it. But Cape May definitely seems like the best character option for us. 1900 Park Fare and Garden Grill would probably be another good option, but I'm less enthusiastic about the characters at 1900 Park Fare, and the menu at Garden Grill doesn't really appeal to me.


ScottFL's picture
Joined: 01/28/2014
Posts: 237

We've done Cape May when the nieces were younger. I thought it was great - of course, it's the only time we've done a character meal in off-hours (I think we went at 10am or so). Going that late, it wasn't packed and we had some quality time with the characters.