I have used photopass on many occasions and have never had a problem with pictures not being there. However, a BIG problem occurred with my most recent photopass from the D23 expo. Me and my friends all had pictures made with Lucky the dinosaur and WALL-E at the expo. Very cool experience and one of the things I was most looking forward to seeing on the photopass. Well when I got home and checked the photopass there were NO pictures of Lucky or WALL-E on there. I emailed photopass that there were some missing pictures to see if they could locate them. I received a response back that they could not recover my pictures due to a technical problem with the camera. Needless to say if I had not had pictures taken with my own camera I would have been extremely upset. After talking with my friends last night their pictures were not there either.
Like I said I have never had a problem with Photopass before now, but I can assure you I will check it at the parks before I leave going forward. Especially if there are unusual pictures like the ones I lost which should be there.
Let's remember it all started with a mouse