Count down ticker

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nwalsh's picture
Joined: 03/05/2012
Posts: 63
Count down ticker

I'm envious of the count down tickers you veterans have... How do I get one to appear on my posts?? 66 days til WDW!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Here is one place you can make one I think you want to copy the HTML link when you're done, then on here under "Forum" go to "edit setting" and paste the link into your signature and save settings.

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

Also, if you just left-click on anyone's countdown banner, I believe it will take you to the site to create your own.

nwalsh's picture
Joined: 03/05/2012
Posts: 63

YAY!!! It's official now!!! Thank you both!!! The left click did bring me right to it, and the copy/paste into edit settings was needed info too.
