Counting down the hours

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finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
Posts: 1072
Counting down the hours

It's finally here. At this time tomorrow, we will be in the air, and an hour out of Orlando. yay I've just printed our boarding passes, and am doing the final clean up around the house. Our bags are packed, and I can't wait to go!

Our trip in May (the first one after a 14 year absence - eek ) was so relaxing and fun, we decided to return for the Food and Wine festival. We have received many raised eyebrows, since we are wheelchair - my husband's coworkers all think we are slightly deranged. Then again, these are people who have never been to WDW, because it's for kids. I don't think I will tell them any differently - it helps to keep the crowds down if they don't go. laugh

We don't usually make ANY plans - no dining reservations, no spreadsheets, etc. Peter doesn't like to feel he HAS to be anywhere at a certain time - he gets enough of that at work. We've never had a problem finding great places to eat, and thanks to everyone here, I have a few more on my list to try. Although hubby doesn't know it, we do have two ADR's this time though. We will try Yak and Yeti on Friday for lunch, and Liberty Tree Tavern on Sunday for lunch. I will just maneuver us to be there at the right time, and surprise! we can get seated. I'm sure he'll forgive me once lunch is served. crossfingers I have tentatively mapped out a plan for each day, but that just means I think I know where we will start out each morning. After that, we will see how the day goes, and take it from there.

The great thing about it just being the two of us now is that if we get tired, we just sit and people watch for a while, or return to the resort for a quick swim. Although I have a smartphone, I am not all that savvy with it's features. (it's new). I will probably not be posting while we are gone, and I will miss reading everyone's posts every day. I will have SO much to catch up on. I hope everyone else that is going in October has a fabulous trip, and I can't wait to read all the trip reports when I get home.




Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Have fun, I am looking forward to reading all about your trip when you get back. waiting


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Hoorah Diana! yay

Have a wonderful and safe trip. I know that you guys will have so much fun. I look forward to your trip reports when you get back!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Yes have fun and enjoy! yay clapping yay clapping

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Have a MAGICAL time! I'll be right behind you in 8 days! yay yay yay yay yay yay


angels444's picture
Joined: 08/05/2012
Posts: 647

Today didn't look like a great weather day but the rest of the week looks nice. Enjoy your trip.

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Diana, have a wonderful time and look forward to your trip report when you return. yay clapping

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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yay clapping mickey clapping yay

have a great time! looking forward to reading about your trip


finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
Posts: 1072

Thanks so much everyone.

Angels - I have been obsessively checking the weather, even though I know the forecasts aren't worth anything until a couple of days out. We have been lucky with weather on every vacation we have taken, so I hope that luck holds this time too.

It will be an early night tonight. We have to get up at "stupid o'clock" (thank you Kristen for that phrase!) to catch our flight to Toronto. We get to go through security twice - here in London, then we come out of security to go through US customs, then we go back through security again. Nothing says "vacation" like a full body scan twice in one morning! laugh But I will put up with almost anything to go to WDW. awesome



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
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yay yay yay can't wait to hear all about it


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

finngirl wrote:
We have to get up at "stupid o'clock" (thank you Kristen for that phrase!)

rolling rolling rolling

I hate leaving at stupid o'clock! But as you said... "anything to go to WDW!"
Tick tock that clock is getting short and shorter!

Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

Finngirl and Kristen I like stupid o'clock - but I also like to say "o'dark thirty!"

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In our house that hour as always been referred to as the butt crack of dawn.

But, no matter what you call it WDW is worth it. Have a great time!

disneydoc's picture
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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

PirateGirl wrote:
Finngirl and Kristen I like stupid o'clock - but I also like to say "o'dark thirty!"

Okay this may sound weird, but to me "o'dark thirty" is a specific time to me. It's 4:30am. I'm not sure why, it just is, it may have come from boot camp all those years ago but I just can't remember. LoL... "stupid o'clock" is more nebulous.

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
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Finngirl.....Enjoy your trip! I have a great feeling you're going to have perfect weather cool

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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Enjoy! Have fun for all of us!


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- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
[url='']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]

finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
Posts: 1072

We're back! We've been travelling since 10 a.m. this morning, and got home about an hour ago. You can see where my priorities are - am I cooking dinner, or sorting laundry, or anything else? Nope, I'm checking to see what I've missed here while I was gone. laugh

When I get myself organized, I will attempt a trip report. We had a fabulous time, with perfect weather. Not one drop of rain! I can't wait to tell you about the new Under the Sea ride in Fantasyland - they are running "dress rehearsals", and we got to ride it twice! Be Our Guest was also open to walk through - it looks beautiful.

I promise I will post pictures.



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Sounds great, can't wait, looking forward to the report and Pictures. Glad you got back safe & Sound.
